25 Times This Photographer Revealed The Behind-The-Scene Locations Of His Mesmerizing Photos
Geo Leon, a talented photographer, has been making waves on Instagram with his stunning and captivating images. Each of his photographs tells a unique story, blending composition, lighting, and subject matter to create a visual masterpiece. He also shares behind-the-scenes pics to show the cool tricks, meticulous efforts, and creative process that goes into each photograph.
Let’s unravel the secrets and creative processes that go into Geo Leon’s Instagram-worthy photos, providing a glimpse into the artistry that transforms ordinary moments into extraordinary visual stories.
More info: Instagram | Facebook | geoleon.gumroad.com
Image source: geoleon
GlassHalfWay : “That’s creative”
Rostit. . : “the post processing is too heavy but the content is nice.”
Image source: geoleon
AnxiT-Rex : “She is SO pretty!”
SF Angel : “the lighting and the colors of her dress make this photo explode. Absolutely stunning”
Image source: geoleon
DumYum : “Lots of photoshop/filters.”
Jeff Yuen : “Some look like darkroom manipulations – pushing the center image out of darkness, maybe?”
Image source: geoleon
SF Angel : “the creativity is incredible”
Michelle C : “Thank God no one was harmed!”
Image source: geoleon
jjdubs W : “OK, this one is fun!”
Image source: geoleon
Rachel Parker : “If you are going to touch up an image so much it looks like AI, you might as well start with AI. Have we really forgotten what humans actually look like?”
Image source: geoleon
LuLuBelle : “That rash looks itchy.”
Image source: geoleon
Jamieson Ashkewe : “Beautiful”
Image source: geoleon
Lil Miss Hobbit : “Who needs a studio. This is beautiful.”
Image source: geoleon
JustAKirbyLover️ : “Wow, that almost looks like AI!”
Image source: geoleon
Fall F. : “In all of them the people are looking like plastic dolls. I don”t like them, maybe for a fairy book as illustrations. Too much filters ….”
Lil Miss Hobbit : “Holding the lights with his toes…haha”
Image source: geoleon
Lil Miss Hobbit : “Aww look how cute Pinocchio is”
Michelle C : “Forced perspective like this does wonders! Cool!”
Image source: geoleon
Chilli : “ooh, hades”
Image source: geoleon
Betta Fish : “Dang those strawberries actually look really good”
Image source: geoleon
jjdubs W : “So does he photoshop the location and the water? And the swans?”
Image source: geoleon
LuLuBelle : “Wtf? Ew.”
Image source: geoleon
Marykay Klim : “I think this is one of the most ingenious of the lot. Weird pic, but cool usage of inexpensive set and effects”
Camber Hollywood : “That photographer has an odd looking right leg.”
Image source: geoleon
LokisLilButterknife : “She has such beautiful features in the photographs on the right. However, it looks like her poor face has been Photoshopped and filtered to the extreme in photo on the left. I hate to say it but she looks more like a CGI video game character.”
Image source: geoleon
dayngerkat : “Coraline!”
Image source: geoleon
Sand Ers : “Gotta love the footstool she’s kneeling on.”
Image source: geoleon
Jamieson Ashkewe : “Amazons”
Image source: geoleon
Sand Ers : “Ones like this make me wonder. Did they scout this location, or just stroll around town looking for inspiration?”
Image source: geoleon
Image source: geoleon
Image source: geoleon
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