Dutch Man Built A $1.6 Million Ark With An Authentic Biblical Interior

Published 6 years ago

Many of us have heard about Noah’s Ark – the vessel that saved all the animals in the world from a giant flood. But one Dutch man decided to take it a step further – by actually building a full-size copy of the biblical ark.

The man’s name is Johan Huibers and he works as a building contractor in the Netherlands. He was inspired to build the ark by reading a bedtime story to his children. Believe it or not, this is not the first ark the man has built – he built one in 2006 but thought it was too small. So he spent $1.6 Million and built a bigger one.

Check out Johan’s Ark in the gallery below!


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A Dutch man named Johan Huibers started building a full-sized replica of Noah’s Ark back in 2008 with the help of fellow carpenters

Image credits: Ark Of Noah

It was completed and opened to the public in 2012 and cost almost $1.6 million to build

Image credits: Ark Of Noah

The biblical vessel’s interior is full of exotic animals carved from wood

Image credits: Ark Of Noah

Johan took the plans for the ark from the Hebrew Bible

Image credits: Ark Of Noah

The ark’s height is 75 feet – almost the same as a five-story building. It weighs 2,500 tons and can fit over 5,000 people

Image credits: Ark Of Noah

Johan even planned to sail the ark to the 2016 Rio Olympics but canceled due to safety concerns

Image credits: Ark Of Noah

Now he plans to sail the ark to Israel and is seeking donations from people

Image credits: Ark Of Noah

The whole trip to Israel would cost Johan a whopping $1.3 million – we hope he succeeds!

Image credits: Ark Of Noah

Aušrys Uptas

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Bible, boat, carpenter, Israel, Noah, Noah's Ark, religion, ship