Driveable BMW Transformer Made In Turkey (Video)

Published 9 years ago

What’s the latest in technology? No, it’s not the cold fusion or a trip to Mars, it’s even more exciting! The technology is finally there to make a car that’s also a functional full-size transformer!

Made by a Turkish company called Letrons, this BMW can transform into a Michael Bay-sized robot by the click of a button. Unfortunately, unless you want to be crushed inside, you’ll have to use the remote to control it from outside.

How much does this thing cost? Sadly, the company doesn’t reveal the numbers, so you’ll have to contact them personally. Oh, and if you do, make sure you ask them when the Bumblebee is coming. We’re fans over here…

More info: letrons (h/t: boredpandatwistedsifter)

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