25 Times Someone Quit Their Job Via Text
When you have a bad day at work and get frustrated with your boss, you may feel like sending an angry “I Quit” text. Usually, the feeling dissipates and you go back to work as usual. But today, we will live vicariously through folks who actually went through with that “I Quit” emotion and sent the text across to their superiors.
Found on the dedicated Facebook page ‘I Quit My Job by Text’, these posts are from people who just couldn’t take it anymore and reached their breaking point. Scroll down to check out some of the most satisfying resignation texts folks have had the pleasure of sending.
Image source: Iquitmyjobbytext
Image source: Iquitmyjobbytext
Image source: Iquitmyjobbytext
I quit my job this week. I had to have a required surgery and biopsy following some health problems i’ve had. I had medical leave covered, I always provided notes and documentation that HR accepted no problem. My (male) boss CONSTANTLY had issues with it the second he found out it had to do with a uterine problem. Telling me that if “I wasn’t dying” I needed to come in. Well I started having complications from surgery and my doctor wanted me in and he argued with me up and down, saying I just wanted time off. After being in pain and exhausted that he was the only one who argued it, I quit.
Image source: Iquitmyjobbytext
Image source: Iquitmyjobbytext
Image source: I quit my job by text
Image source: Iquitmyjobbytext
#8 “So I’m 5 days into my covid positive reading and my boss sends me this because she’s short staffed and I’m still feeling absolutely ill. I’m in Florida for winter break and she’s back in NC meaning I would have to fly while covid positive.” Context: 2 years ago
Image source: Iquitmyjobbytext
Image source: Iquitmyjobbytext
#10 “there’s more to the story than just her refusing to use the scheduling app. on the Tuesday mentioned, she called a meeting where she told me to stop pulling expired food off our shelves “because it counts as shrink” and I decided that was disgusting enough I wasn’t going back. took me until last night to be absolutely sure I wasn’t going back.”
Image source: Iquitmyjobbytext
Image source: Iquitmyjobbytext
Image source: Iquitmyjobbytext
Image source: Iquitmyjobbytext
#14 My job has been a shit show for the past several months but I didn’t want to quit because my store manager and I were friends and I wanted to stay and make sure she didn’t get screwed over by my quitting. And today one of the district managers was there and before our shift started they fired her after she submitted a complaint to the labor board so I handed my dm my store keys grabbed my stuff and left and sent this message to the gm after
Image source: I quit my job by text
#15 “I quit a job in May because they were severely underpaying me and missed two years worth of scheduled raises with an excuse popping up every time. Left for a job that paid me double but unfortunately just went out of business Thurs. Got this response to my Instagram story from old job manager today. “
Image source: Iquitmyjobbytext
Image source: Iquitmyjobbytext
Image source: Iquitmyjobbytext
Image source: Iquitmyjobbytext
#19 “Walked out mid shift in August because my coworker was being a dick, texted my boss to let him know. It was a decent place to work and bossman was chill. Hadn’t had any issues with my coworker until that night.
Image source: Iquitmyjobbytext
I asked him to apologize and he refused, so I left. Coworker popped off and said that “I can’t be the only one doing anything here, fucking do something.” When I was literally working side by side with him for the passed 5 hours, sweating my ass off. We were like 15 tickets deep. I was like “What?”, he responded “I’m doing this all by myself.” I asked him for an apology, he said “Fuck no.” We got like 10 tickets out of the way and the rush died down, so he went to smoke without saying anything and left me with the 5 tickets. I finished those 5 tickets, packed up my shit, walked out the back door and he was lighting a 2nd cigarette and talking on the phone. I interrupted him and said “Now you’re doing everything by yourself.” Got a new job now, part time, a $6/hour pay increase and cut my commute down from a 13 mile bike ride to 2 miles, the boss pays everyone a damn decent wage and everyone is appreciated”
Image source: Iquitmyjobbytext
Image source: Iquitmyjobbytext
Image source: Iquitmyjobbytext
Sun 10:15 PM
after a seasonal layoff I got a sudden callback, despite my telling them I needed notice to firm up childcare.
the decided to demote me after I requested the time off.
10 years of my life with this company.
#23 Kitchen Manager finally quit this awful job. This is how our GM responded.
Image source: Iquitmyjobbytext
#24 “Quit my shitty Job of Ten Years.”
Image source: Iquitmyjobbytext
I finally quit my shitty job at a non for profit where I and just one other case manager were responsible for 400 clients and the only other employees were outsourced workers from the Philippines. 52k a year and no benefits. The only benefit I had was Fridays off. And they tried to take that away too (unpaid bc they claim that we are salaried exempt tho legally we don’t make enough to be considered exempt in NYC) I’m sad to have to end my ten year career there in this way and they have def been trying to provoke me to quit so they wouldn’t have to pay unemployment and I let them win. But oh well. In a few months, I’ll be in a better spot. ”
Image source: I quit my job by text
Got wisdom to pour?
Working from home, I earn $165 per hour. When my neighbor told me she was now making an average of $95, I was very astonished, but now (ubd-87) I understand how it works. I now have a great deal of freedom thanks to becoming my own employer.
I carry out the action—————————————>>> https://shortlurl.com/664f9b248b504