40 Examples Of Public Spaces Where Designers Made Bad Decisions
There are some public spaces which are impressively designed with the users’ needs in mind. Meanwhile, others have gone in a completely different direction perhaps in the hopes of being unique or memorable. Sadly though, the reason they stand out is because of what a failure they ultimately are. It’s hard to imagine that someone gave their willing approval and money to make such monstrosities a reality, but shockingly it has happened as evidenced by the photos in the gallery
#1 This Pattern On The Hospital’s Floor
Image source: Cartapouille
Tucker Cahooter: And if someone really did bleed on the floor and needed urgent assistance you wouldn’t notice
#2 Leg Space In A Cricket Stadium
Image source: stuckintrraffic, stuckintrraffic
Ray Ceeya (RayCeeYa): Maybe it’s made for actual crickets?
#3 This Is The View Of The Stage At The Concert I’m At
Image source: thatcancerfurry
Boredest Panda: What stage?
#4 This Aquatic-Themed Hospital Couch Weirdly Has An Underwater Giraffe On It
Image source: CoopDaWoop
#5 Who Wouldn’t Want A Ceiling That Looks Like It’s Covered With Hair?
Image source: im-jared-im-19
Ladedah: Yuck
#6 My View At A Movie Theater Last Night
Image source: NeighborhoodLow8413
Subaru645: Coming soon, the rest of the screen
#7 “Mind The Step”
Image source: tyw7
#8 The Only Unlocked Bathroom At My School
Image source: SuccessfulNarwhal576
#9 The Students In My Course Complained About Not Having Enough Privacy, And University Decided To Install Glass Doors To Solve The Issue
Image source: Ysisbr
Did I say that out loud? (he/him)cis/het: At least there’s no big gap at the bottom.
#10 They Put Circus Mirrors In My Local Gym
Image source: Guwoq
Pandora: Body dysmorphia gym.
#11 These Stairs
Image source: adynako
AtMostAFabulist: My eyes are going sideways trying to see where the stairs under the stairs are .
#12 Perfectly Thought Classroom
Image source: Brunorto
Savahax: It’s to protect her identity
#13 Steps That Are Too Long For One Step, But Too Short For Two
Image source: enzodr
Kaspar Kristiansen: These kinda steps exist a lot of places, and they’re annoying as hell…
#14 My Sister And I Went To Use The Bathroom At My Other Sister’s Softball Game And We Saw This
Image source: BreeMore
Nadine Debard: When I sleep and I need to pee, my brain invents something like this to make me refrain from peeing in bed…
#15 This Weird Door At The Top Of The Stairs In A Hotel
Image source: AlephMartian
#16 My Friend Saw This At The Cinema
Image source: carrotlovernomnomnom
#17 My Classroom Has These Floor Outlets. It’s Basically The Toe Stubber 5000
Image source: Dillon-Croco
AtMostAFabulist: Or the back breaker 5001.
#18 The Fitting Room Door At The Thrift Store
Image source: SeventhMind7
Boredest Panda: “You must be at least this short to use”
#19 Lets Hope There Won’t Be Fire
Image source: robric1985
Ray Ceeya (RayCeeYa): Well that’s illegal AF.
#20 My School’s Locker Can’t Even Fit My Backpack Because Of Those Shelves
Image source: zucclivan
#21 Cyber-Greco-Roman Architecture
Image source: Bmchris44
AtMostAFabulist: Sacrilegious
#22 This Escalator Requires That You Still Use The Stairs
Image source: Justhereforbiz
#23 My School Added A New Vending Machine To The Science Building’s Lobby. Better For Them To Eat Junk Food Than Have Free Water
Image source: Bean_Boozled
#24 The Staircase At My Hotel Room Just Drops Off
Image source: Opposite_Strategy_43
Green Tree: I actually stayed at a place that had stairs like this, they were a little scary. But my place was a 500 year old Tower House in ireland. Is this a similiarly old building?
#25 Public Restroom Stalls With… Viewing Windows? Why?
Image source: TheOneTheUno
Nathaniel He/Him Cis-Het: Hi Dave, not seen you in a while, what brings you here?
#26 My School Installed A New Beamer. I Nominate Them For “The Best Engineering 2017”
Image source: Triomat
JoinMeZoe: Imagine if that was “School of Design and Architecture”
#27 This Was The “Sink” In A Restaurant
Image source: CoolBDPhenom03
Nope, this isn’t a minimalist, avant-garde design. The water just spills off the edges onto the floor, which is why the mop is right there. There isn’t even a drain pipe below this counter.
#28 At Least It’s Padded
Image source: cheekymrs
#29 Placing The Emergency Door Button Next To The Children’s Play Area
Image source: CRIMSONSNOW2019
January Tempis: Bonus for making it pretty and brightly colored so that every child will need to push it.
#30 Wheelchair Accessible Washrooms Are Located On The Second Floor. Just A Quick Trip Up The Escalator
Image source: _timewasted
Beth Wheeler: Ummmm they better have their lawyers on standby for this one.#30 Kids’ Area In A Hospital’s Lobby. N Is For… Nugget?
#31 Installed Those Elevator Buttons, Boss
Image source: compuryan
#32 Shoutout To This Bar In Rural Alberta, Where The Women’s Bathroom Is Right Beside The Piano Stage, No Door. If You Go To The Toilet, Everyone In The Bar Is Going To Hear It
Image source: eggnog_alcoholic
#33 There Are Three Steps Down At The Entrance To This Lobby
Image source: HothHanSolo
Helena: This is how I’ll die
#34 The Wall Art In This Bathroom Is… Suboptimal
Image source: DaBittna
Nathaniel He/Him Cis-Het: Taco Bell toilet? To help hide what happens when you eat there?
#35 The Lights In This Hallway
Image source: ntheg111
AtMostAFabulist: The electrician was trippin’ balls when installing them.
#36 They Replaced Half The Mirrors In My Local Shopping Mall’s Bathroom With Advertising Boards
Image source: BradleyZ17
Chihuahua Mama: What hell do we live in. I fear we will soon have to watch ads to get in our bed, use the toilets, and open the fridge
#37 World’s Most Practical Design
Image source: IndyNightSky
#38 Kids’ Area In A Hospital’s Lobby. N Is For… Nugget?
Image source: SleezeDemon
PFD: Nestling?
#39 Oddly Placed Phone In A Waiting Room
Image source: Noemo19
#40 How Close This Toilet Is To The Stall Door. Had A Good Laugh At How My Feet Poke Out Underneath
Image source: CanadasNeighbor
Mimi La Souris: the new “occupied” sign :D
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