25 Celebs That Successfully Pulled Off A Disappearing Act
After the Matrix movies, everyone was so impressed by Carrie-Ann Moss, who played the role of Trinity, and we expected to see much more of her on-screen. However, she virtually disappeared from the media after she decided to take a step back from her career to move her family to a remote farm and be a more present mom. She has recently chosen a few select appearances but other than that has been pretty low-key about her public persona.
Meanwhile, others who seemed on track to superstardom have chosen to ditch the pressures of fame and Hollywood altogether. These famous faces have taken a leave of absence from the limelight for one reason or another over the years, so much so that they’ve been all but forgotten. Scroll below to read and reminisce about which popular stars have almost been wiped out of existence by their lack of public visibility, according to Netizens.
Image source: reillydean28, Disney Channel
Bridget Mendler…now she is a Ph.D. candidate at MIT!
Image source: WarriorNurse222, Walt Disney Pictures
Rick Morranis…. His wife got cancer at the hieght of his career and he stopped working to beat full time dad till his kids graduated. ❤️.
The guy who sang Somebody That I Used To Know.
Now he IS somebody that we used to know.
Image source: Swifty-Dog, The Ed Sullivan Show
Bobbie Gentry.
She’s still alive, but she stepped out of the spotlight at the height of her career and after a couple of huge hit songs.
She sang Ode to Billy Joe and Fancy.
But she won’t interview. She won’t talk about her career.
Image source: eRockMD, Bloomberg Talk
Geena Davis.
Jetztinberlin: She’s been running a non-profit org advocating for better representation for women in Hollywood on & off-camera since 2004.
Image source: foxybingo111, Loew’s, Inc.
Greta Garbo completely abandonned acting and led quite a reclusive life.
Image source: TheDood715, TriStar Pictures
Charlie Korsmo
Kid from Dick Tracy, Peter Pan’s son in Hook, dude was everywhere in the 90s.
Last I know of him he did the smart thing and cashed out for a normal life.
Image source: LusciousLennyStone, CBS
David Caruso. Good riddance. He can’t act. He always looks like he’s trying to hold in a fart. His voice is fingernails on a blackboard.
Image source: WranglerOriginal, Conan O’Brien
Bridget Fonda.
Sownd_Rum: A good chance Harvey Weinstein ruined her career.
Image source: anon, 20th Century Fox
Jon Heder
I thought he was going to be a huge star.
But I heard he sticks to smaller roles.
Image source: slickheadoflettuce, Fox
Besides Bryan Cranston, like all the cast of Malcom in the Middle.
Image source: DramaticYam241, Jimmy Kimmel Live
For me its Martin Lawrence. I feel like I used to see him everywhere but I don’t know what he’s up to nowadays.
Image source: TheBklynGuy, Cannon Film Distributors
Action star Michael Dudikoff. Starred in the American Ninja movies in the 80’s. Was on track to be as big as the other heros like Arnold, Van Damme and Stallone but faded away.
Image source: Intelligent-End7797, Warner Bros.
Danny Lloyd who played Danny Torrance in the Shining only acted in one other small role. He’s a professor in Kentucky now.
Meg Ryan.
alexmo210: Sad that I think of her I remember When Harry Met Sally/breakup with Dennis Quaid/bad plastic surgery. She was It for a while.
Image source: johnnydakota, Nickelodeon
Joe Torres, the guy who played Danny on the old show “Hey Dude!” on Nickelodeon.
Literally no one can find him.
Image source: TheFantasticXman1, Universal Studios Home Video
One who literally disappeared was Joe Pichler. He was in one of the Beethoven movies. Back in 2006 when he was 18, he disappeared after spending time at his friends house and his car was found the car park of a local restaurant. There was a note in the car, presumably written by him which stated how he wished he was a better brother. Police believe it to be a s*****e note. Despite this, they’ve never found a body nor any other trace of him. Most likely he’s dead by now.
Image source: CanineRezQ, Phil Rosenthal World
Bonnie Hunt.
Anonymous: She’s totally dropped off the map. Had a huge crush on her in the ‘90’s.
Image source: sir_percy_percy, Letterman
Phoebe Cates
I always thought she was so beautiful.
Image source: freaknjoe4677, CBS Sunday Morning
Steve Guttenberg.
Boraxo: This one bothers me. Police Academy 6 left me hanging and I might not ever see a 7
Image source: NeverCadburys, Fox
Sabrina Lloyd. I last saw her on Numbers and I know she was in a few things after that but, nothing in 10 years.
Image source: PhilipLiptonSchrute, Gramercy Pictures
The guy who played Mitch Kramer in Dazed in Confused.
Also the girl from Matilda and the Miracle on 34th Street remake.
Image source: Jeffistopheles, 20th Century Fox
Leelee Sobieski. She was a bit of a celebrity crush for me back in the day. From the look of her IMDb she’s barely been in anything for the last decade or so. Her last credited movie was a Turkish made for TV movie in 2018.
Image source: Notabumblebee27, EWTN
Dolores Hart, she was on a movie with Elvis and in her way to the A list in Hollywood when she decided to join a monastic community an become a nun. There’s an HBO documentary about it named “God is the bigger Elvis”.
Image source: ravenqueen7, Vanity Fair
Josh Hartnett. I think he decided to outright quit acting?
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