Proposal Tips You Should Consider Before You Pop the Question

Published 9 years ago

Deciding to get married is a major and important step in your life. Now, the only thing standing in your way is the proposal and your partner replying with a ‘yes’. It can be quite difficult to create the perfect proposal moment. People have gotten incredibly creative over the years, which has raised the bar for everyone following them. All of this pressure could mean that you are finding it incredibly difficult to come up with a proposal idea. Now, of course, the concept that you create has to be entirely your own. Only you know what would be the best for both you and your significant other. However, a little bit of help can’t hurt. Here are some helpful tips you can follow:

Keep it Personal

Every so often, you will find a viral video floating around the internet of a fairy tale proposal. Some are sweet, others are funny, and others still are truly incredible. While it might seem that you may want to take a couple of pointers from these individuals, you should not. The only thing that you should take away from such spectacles is that each couple has their own way of doing things. Thus, what worked for others may not work for you and your loved one. The proposal is all about the two of you, so it is important that whatever you plan, it comes directly from the heart. It does not have to be large or even creative.

Do a Dry Run

You probably have planned each moment of your proposal down to the second, and picked out the most beautiful engagement rings. However, if you have arranged something a bit intricate, or something that requires perfect timing, then you are going to want to do a dry run first. This is because no matter how well you have scheduled something, real life is bound to intervene. This is why it is a good idea to try it out by yourself first and see if it is feasible. Then you can adjust your timing accordingly. You should take into consideration elements such as traffic and weather. If you want to propose in a fairly public area, you also have to contemplate the possibility of other people being there. Check out the area at different times during the day as well as the week. When is it least crowded and more suitable for you to carry out your proposal? You should also check if there is any way that you can minimize the amount of uncertainty attached to the event.

Expect the Unexpected

It does not matter how well you have planned everything out or how many times you have rehearsed. You may have even booked certain locations and have an entire hoard of friends helping you out. What you must prepare yourself for is that, in all probability, things may not go as planned. This does not mean, however, that it cannot be incredibly special for the both of you. Thus, you need to be a little flexible and simply roll with whatever is thrown at you. All that matters at the end of the day is that you asked an important question and got the answer that you were looking for.

Once you have taken this advice to heart, you are all ready to move ahead with your plan. Happy proposing!

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Sally Wilkinson

I am an enthusiastic blogger.I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, home, travel, digital marketing and following the latest trends in these areas.

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