How Differently The Same ‘Ugly’ Location Looks To A Professional Photographer Vs. Amateur
Sometimes you need to challenge yourself in order to jump-start your creativity. Photographer Jenna Martin did exactly that when she decided to do a photo shoot at Lowe’s home improvement store.
The place had everything a photographer would consider to be a challenging circumstance – limited backgrounds, poor lighting, distractions all over – and that was exactly what the artist was looking for. Then she and her model set some ground rules to make the shoot even more tricky:
1) They had to work with whatever they found there, no props or additional lighting.
2) They couldn’t majorly rearrange the scene and the displays.
3) They would stop shooting if someone was in the background or if they were in the way.
The photographer, who later shared her story with peta pixel, claimed that the shop assistant allowed them to take pictures without any fuss and the customers were more curious than annoyed about what was going on.
“Overall, this was a really fun challenge!” the photographer exclaimed. “Not that I’d invite an actual client to ever do a Lowe’s photo shoot (I mean, never say never), but I was pretty happy with the result! Horrible location for the win! Next time you see an awful spot, maybe give it a chance, you never know what you might end up with.”
Scroll down below to see how a little bit of creativity and good angles can change the look and the feel of a place.
More info: jennamartinphotography.com (h/t)
“Instead of searching out the usual beautiful locations around where we live, I had the idea to do just the opposite”
Image credits: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
“Lowe’s seemed like the perfect option” Location 1: The Paint Samples
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Lowe’s Location 2: The Lighting Section
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Lowe’s Location 3: The Aisles
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Location Shot: Aisle 2
Lowe’s Location 4: The Garden Section
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Lowe’s Location 5: Pillows Section
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