Postcards For Ants: Artist Paints A Miniature Painting Every Day For 365 Days
At the beginning of 2013, Cape Town-based artist Lorraine Loots took up a 365-day challenge, devoting her time and energy to create one miniature painting every day for the entire year. The wittily named “365 Paintings for Ants” was so successful that the artist decided to extend it for a second year as well. Given that Cape Town is the official World Design Capital of 2014, Loots decided to celebrate the occasion by creating exclusively Cape Town-themed little paintings.
One of the most important parts of the project is that people can write to Loots and book either a surprise original framed painting or a 5-edition print in a form of a postcard. If you book an original painting, you can suggest 5 themes, ideas or places directly related to Cape Town for Loots to consider painting.
Be sure to view the video below to see the artist talking about her “Paintings for Ants” and what they mean to her.
More info: lorraineloots.com | Tumblr | Instagram | Facebook (h/t: lustik, fontanel)
Got wisdom to pour?
Absolutely lovely!