Facebook Group Edits Images Of Plus Sized Women To ‘Inspire’ Them To Lose Weight
Paint is usually the go-to program to make (horrible, eye scratching) political statements. But Photoshop is the tool of #ProjectHarpoon, also known as “ThInner Beauty”. The modus operandi of the group is taking plus sized celebrities and photoshopping them to what the group calls lower weight. The group’s work is called misogynistic and fatshaming, which might have something to with its original name: it comes from the “man the harpoons” macro usually posted on image boards when a picture of someone considered too fat (a “whale”) is posted.
Along with the #ProjectHarpoon twitter, the movement runs /r/thinnerbeauty sub-reddit, where users – men and women – have started posting pictures of themselves asking for what they call “motivating” photoshops (they even introduced a photo verification process). Celebrity photoshops can be found on the project website. “We love you. We want you to know you can love you, too! #thInnerBeauty is dedicated to showing men and women that yes, you too can be happy and healthy!” is written on the project ‘About’ section. “We take photos of people who should, could, and are starting to lead a healthier, stronger life and show them what that might look like.”
So, what are your two cents on all this?
More info: thinnerbeauty.org | reddit.com | twitter (h/t: hellogiggles)
Got wisdom to pour?
For many of these, I prefer the original photo. From experience, I know that losing weight does not decrease breast size.
How about they are beautiful just the way they are!
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and i thought all of these ladies were beautiful! But, i do worry, that someone who is carrying a lot of excess weight, is posing a great danger to their health. The thing i found really sad, is they are all young, and in the prime of their livesl, so it’s very sad, they are afflicted in this way, at such a young age. I’m sorry, but excess fat, is not beautiful. The ladies are beautiful, but not the excess weight.
Men who hate fat women are toxic people. Men who try to get fat women skinnier through intimidation do not understand that often women are fat in the first place to scare away unsafe, toxic men. This is a sad example of the mentality of the Patriarchy trying to inflict itself upon women.
right basically if youre big/small, tall/short, hourglass, circle, or dodecahedron, it doesnt concern anyone else. unless it is a health concern then people should be allowed to be what ever shape size colour etc that they want to be. so people are naturally larger! just let people be, and if you cant say anything nice or point out anything that can be fixed in less than 5 minutes, eg “excuse me, your label is sticking out” or “you have something in your hair”, then dont say anything at all.
They look healthier with a healthy body weight at least
This guy has no idea what human proportions actually look like. I don’t condone the misogyny but if you gonna try to ‘inspire’ women, make it believable and something they’d want to look like. I wouldn’t want to look like any of the after shots!
It’s good that the company advertises weight loss and healthier lives. However, the motive that showing them that they would be “more beautiful” or “more attractive” than they are now should not, necessarily, be their one and only reason to lose weight or eat better. It almost advertises more of the culture’s weight (pardon the pun! :) ) on how people believe that one’s worth derives from how they physically appear. They need to really read 1 Samuel 16:7 when they want to find their real worth!
Ok, lets get the cat out of the bag… Being fat isn´t healthy or pretty, the same goes for being extra skinny. How about this? Go for not being round or in borderline for diabetes.
For the most part I prefer the original photos. The after photos are not realistic. I know for a fact that losing weight does not reduce breast size.