This Canadian Pizza Chain Turned Pizza Savers Into Tiny Patio Furniture, And You’ll Love It

Published 7 years ago

For the upcoming patio season, a Canadian pizza chain called Boston Pizza and an advertisement agency John St. Advertising teamed up to create something truly unique. Remeber those tiny “pizza tables” (which are actually called pizza savers) that prevent the lid of the pizza box from sticking to the pizza itself? They took the idea further and actually turned them into tiny plastic furniture!

These tiny pieces of furniture were 3D printed using food-safe materials and are actual scaled-down replicas of real patio furniture. “As long as I can remember, people have said those delivery pizza savers look like little patio tables,” told Paul Little, the Creative Director at John St. Advertising. He also said as soon as they had the idea, they knew they had something great: “It just makes everyone happy. And that’s what sitting on a Boston Pizza patio in summer is all about.”

This is not the first time these two companies collab – back in June, they created another pizza-related furniture: a pizza box that folds into a table so you can eat it in bed. Check out this dynamic duo’s creative advertisement in the gallery below!

More info: Boston Pizza | John St. | h/t

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For the upcoming patio season, Boston Pizza and an advertisement agency John St. Advertising teamed up to create something unique

Remeber those little plastic tables that come on the center of your takeaway pizza? They actually turned them into tiny plastic furniture!

These tiny pieces of furniture were 3D printed using food-safe materials and are actual scaled-down replicas of real patio furniture

“As long as I can remember, people have said those delivery pizza savers look like little patio tables,” said Paul Little, the Creative Director at John St. Advertising

This is not the first time the duo collab – back in June, they created another pizza-related furniture: a pizza box that folds into a table so you can eat it in bed

Now you can truly slack like a king!

Aušrys Uptas

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Boston Pizza, Canada, creative advertisement, John St. Advertising, patio furniture, pizza, Pizza advertisement, pizza box, pizza table