25 Pics Of Before & After Pie Crusts That Tempt The Taste Buds, By Karin Pfeiff-Boschek

Published 11 months ago

There’s something undeniably heartwarming about a homemade pie. From the first slice revealing its carefully crafted interior to the delightful aroma that fills the kitchen, pies have a way of invoking memories and bringing people together.

German baker Karin Pfeiff-Boschek takes this culinary art to a whole new level with her exquisitely designed pies. Let’s take a journey through some before and after pictures of her creations, each a testament to her talent and creativity.

More info: Instagram | ourdeliciousfood.com | Facebook

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Image source: karinpfeiffboschek

Multa Nocte: “Whoa! I’m ready to share!”


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek

Sunshine: “Each new pic I see impresses me more!”


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek

nomnomborkbork: “So artistic! And looks delicious.”


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek

Multa Nocte: “I would initially be too afraid to eat it. But then I’d get over it.”


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek

ElfVibratorGlitter: “Looks like such a delicious apple pie. Drool”


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek

WindySwede: “I would not be able to ea…. *nom nom nom!* 👼🙃”


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek

Sunshine: “This one is just adorable!”


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek

Vonny: “Blueberry pie looks so delish. This pattern of the dough looks almost doable, too.”


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek

Lavendar rose: “Perfection before and after”


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek

K Reed: “I’m not too certain about this one. I can a.preciate the amount of work and skill that went into it, but the words “tentacled monstrosity” keep rising to the surface of my brain…(all it lacks is eyes…)”


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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aesthetic food, art, artistic pies, food, food art, Karin Pfeiff Boschek, pie designs, pies