30 Funny And Relatable Memes From The ‘Pickuplines’ IG Account

Published 1 year ago

In today’s world, memes likely play a significant role in your daily life, especially if you spend any amount of time on social media. They provide a lighthearted way for people to connect with the thoughts and experiences of others worldwide. Memes serve as evidence that we share more common ground with each other than we might realize.

The ‘Pickuplines‘ Instagram account stands out as a highly successful social media project, sharing some of the internet’s funniest and most relatable memes. We’ve gathered a selection of the most amusing ones to inject some humour into your day.

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Image source: pickuplines

Milady Blue: THAT is top notch customer service!


Image source: pickuplines

Milady Blue: Hope it’s not Kenny.


Image source: pickuplines

Nonna_SoF: I’ve got this great cheating technique. You read all the material until you understand it. All the answers are in your head so there’s no way you’ll get caught.


Image source: pickuplines

Canandelabra: Bring the George Foreman grill?


Image source: pickuplines

Rocky Horror Panda (edited): Get the aloe.


Image source: pickuplines

Nicky: Was I speechless? Neigh.


Image source: pickuplines

Canandelabra: Aw that’s so nice! I put my # on a dollar bill once in my late teens. I still laugh about the two older ladies who drunk called me to laugh at me.


Image source: pickuplines

ShyWahine: He probably ain’t wrong…


Image source: pickuplines


Image source: pickuplines

ShyWahine: Same here!!!


Image source: pickuplines

Jack Burton: Be proud why not but why always start the “you all” b******t… Why being happy should be a competition ??


Image source: pickuplines

Bouche and Audi and Shyla, Oh My!: Sweet, and funny. When I moved out (the first time) my parents bought me a cheap car and paid my deposit. Dad would tell people, “Well, it cost me $1000, but I finally got rid of her.”


Image source: pickuplines

Mark: So nice, everyone deserves to have an opportunity for a good first impression


Image source: pickuplines

ShyWahine: So endearing … what a thoughtful, supportive daughter!!!


Image source: pickuplines


Image source: pickuplines

Rocky Horror Panda: Now THAT’S a good salesman.


Image source: pickuplines


Image source: pickuplines

Jack Burton: Fair enough


Image source: pickuplines

Kathrin Pukowsky: I’d say that’s absolutely brilliant and a huge green flag.


Image source: pickuplines

Milady Blue: Get some Vaseline for those burns, dude.


Image source: pickuplines


Image source: pickuplines

Canandelabra: Is this adorably honest? 💨


Image source: pickuplines

Nicky: I’m glad she didn’t lead with the nuggets.


Image source: pickuplines

October: Oh my God, they killed Kevin!


Image source: pickuplines

Becklass: His little milky chin


Image source: pickuplines


Image source: pickuplines

Milady Blue: That was my superpower all the way through high school.


Image source: pickuplines

Milady Blue: I am not as think as you drunk I am. Nor am I under the alfluence of incohol.


Image source: pickuplines

Bouche and Audi and Shyla, Oh My!: I don’t get it.

Kathrin Pukowsky: 4U2PN2 = “For you to pee into”


Image source: pickuplines

Milady Blue: Bribery – that is a good tip I will share with some job hunting friends.


Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



funny, meme page, memes, pickuplines, randon, relatable