That’s What You Get When You Ask The Wrong Guy For Help (10+ New Pics)

Published 7 years ago

Do you have a picture that you’d like altering? Perhaps you’d like an ex-partner removing from a photograph, or maybe you wish that your hair didn’t look quite so dorky in an otherwise perfect shot? Whatever you need, this guy can help.

His name is James Fridman, but we prefer to call him the King of Photoshop, because as you can see from his hilarious creations, there seems to be nothing he can’t do. He “fixes” other people’s photographs on request, but like the true professional that he is, he only does e-x-a-c-t-l-y as he’s instructed, which is why his pictures are so damn funny. Check out some of his latest work below, and some previous best right here.

You can also become one of a whopping million followers on Twitter, where you can contact him directly through.

More info: James Fridman | twitter | facebook (h/t)

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fjamie013, funny photoshop, James Fridman, photoshop, photoshop fails, photoshop master, photoshop requests, photoshop troll, photoshop trolling