Photoshop Battle Using Newly Released Portrait Of Kim Jong-un (15 Pics)
When Kim Jong-Un’s public relations team released high-resolution images of the North Korea’s supreme leader, they must have predicted what was going to happen next…
Photoshopper trolls quickly seized the opportunity to make Kim Jong-Un hilarious again and started a Photoshop battle on Bored Panda that immediately spread throughout the internet.
Have a different version of the North Korean leader in your mind? Make sure to share it with us in the comments!
(h/t: boredpanda)
#1 Teenage Mutant Ninja
Image source: RexLeou
#2 Respect Mah Authoritah
Image source: Tom
#3 Kim, Just Kim
Image source: tsjah
#4 Can You Do It?
Image source: anndrius
#5 Kim Jump Up
Image source: Jerie Ragsac
#6 Doppelganger
Image source: Alex Iacobescu
#7 Different Career Choice
Image source: Alex Iacobescu
#8 Break The Internet, Kim!
Image source: Kate Mcworther
#9 Disco
Image source: Inga Ko
#10 Characteristic…. :p
Image source: Christof Dertschei
#11 Lord Kim Jong-Emort
Image source: Julija Nėjė
#12 Kim The Tank Engine
Image source: Cikis
#13 Queen Kimijonga
Image source: Kent Milton
#14 Himalyan Version
Image source: Aleem Chaudhry
#15 The Democratic Republic Of Drumpf
Image source: Barnaby Heaton
Kim Jong-un wasn’t the only one who got picked up by the Photoshop trolls. Before him was the Holywood starlet Jennifer Lawrence.
Got wisdom to pour?