20 Long Lost Buildings Shared In The ‘Lost Architecture’ Online Group
There have been numerous architectural marvels constructed throughout history and, sadly, not all of them stood the test of time. And even though it’s no longer possible to visit them in person, there’s still a place on the internet where you can still see some of them captured on film – the Lost Architecture subreddit.
The users of this subreddit are sharing pictures of unique and interesting buildings that have been lost to time, and they’re both fascinating and heartbreaking to see. From historical monuments to whole towns – check out the long-lost pieces of architecture shared by the users of this online community in the gallery below!
#1 “It’s Not Possible To Take Such A Photograph Anymore, As The Buildings Outside Block The Sun Rays.” Grand Central, NYC (1929)
Image source: reddit.com
#2 The Original Neue Elbbrücke Bridge From 1887-1959 In Hamburg, Germany
Image source: PythiaPhemonoe
#3 Built In 1504, Demolished In 1910. What Was The Oldest House In Hamburg, Germany
Image source: CuriousHedgie
#4 The Saltair Pavilion 1900-1925
Image source: seaboigium
#5 Medieval Town Of Hildesheim, Lower Saxony, Germany. Once One Of The Most Picturesque And Pristine Late Medieval Towns In Europe. Destroyed On March 22nd, 1945, One Month Before The War’s End
Image source: Strydwolf
#6 Lost And Rediscovered
Image source: woodyman_
#7 2000 Year Old N6 Pyramid In Sudan Which Was Demolished In The 1800’s By An Italian Treasure Hunter
Image source: DontEatTheChapstick
#8 Buddhas Of Bamiyan 6th-Century,the Statues Were Blown Up And Destroyed In March 2001 By The Taliban, On Orders From Leader Mullah Mohammed Omar
Image source: Son_Of_Earth
#9 Old Detroit Library In Detroit, Mi. Opened In 1877 And Demolished In 1931
Image source: Romanzo71
#10 Izumo-Taisha Honden, Shimane Prefecture, Japan. Though The True Appearance Of This Shrine Is Not Known, These Artistic Renderings Are Based On Archaeological Evidence Of Giant Pillars And Historic Records Stating That The Building Was Raised On A 48 Meter Tall Platform. Stood C. 900-1200
Image source: archineering
#11 Ludgate Hill, London. Late 1800’s. Bombed In Ww2 Replaced With Modern Architecture
Image source: Jacksbigleg
#12 Times Square (1919) Before All The Renovations And Billboards
Image source: Mob-bine
#13 Warsaw, Poland 1939. No Need To Say What Happened Here. Truly A Tragic Loss
Image source: superdomodo13
#14 Cincinnati Public Library 1871-1955
Image source: Penjilum
#15 The Late 3rd Century Tetrapylon Of Ancient Palmyra, Syria. Deliberately Destroyed By Isis, 2017
Image source: pseudangelos
#16 Some Indian Temple Ruins And How They Looked In Their Prime
Image source: sajaypal007
#17 Lost Buildings From Villages In The Pacific Northwest, Late 1800s
Image source: Giraffeikorn
#18 The Armenian Cemetery Of Julfa Had Around 10,000 Elaborate Funerary Monuments Called “Khachkars,” Dating From The 9th To 17th Centuries. In 1998 And 2006 The Azerbaijani Government Destroyed Them All
Image source: bush-
#19 The Old Dutch House In Bristol, England. It Was Constructed In 1676 But Was Destroyed During The Bristol Blitz Of 1940 By The Luftwaffe
Image source: ForwardGlove
#20 Sibley Breaker, Pennsylvania, Built In 1886 And Destroyed By Fire In 1906
Image source: archineering
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