Breathtaking Photos From Inside Breaking Waves
Can you appreciate the beauty of a breaking wave as much as Marck Botha does? He doesn’t snap his shots from the coast – he gets into the water, close to the action! Botha even goes (swims?) the extra mile to be inside the wave when it breaks – a rare sight for most of us, I’m sure.
Marck Botha is a “water photographer” from Durban, South Africa. He used to be quite the surfer, which comes in handy with wave photography: “Using his experience and knowledge of over 20 years of wave riding, Marck discovered his ability and passion to capture the unique and often dangerous perspective of the coast line, for all to enjoy and experience from the safety of their own home.”
More info: marckbothaphoto.com | facebook | twitter | instagram (h/t: designyoutrust)
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