15 Before-After Photos That Show The Secrets Behind Photography And Editing, As Shared By This Photographer
Phillip Haumesser is an award-winning self-taught photographer who uses his editing skills to enhance his photos. He believes that post-processing is a very important part of the photography process. The photographer revealed on Bored Panda, “I look at each photo like it’s a canvas. Once I take the photo it’s like the first sketch. Then I add life to it by literally painting over it to create the piece of art I had in my mind.”
The photographer also said, “A lot of people will say “you’re not a real photographer because you use Photoshop”, and maybe that’s true. But that’s ok because I don’t really consider myself to be a photographer anyway, I consider myself to be an artist.” Check out some of his stunning before-after photos in the gallery below.
More info: philliphaumesserphotography.com | Instagram | Facebook
Image source: Phillip Haumesser
Image source: Phillip Haumesser
Image source: Phillip Haumesser
Image source: Phillip Haumesser
Image source: Phillip Haumesser
Image source: Phillip Haumesser
Image source: Phillip Haumesser
Image source: Phillip Haumesser
Image source: Phillip Haumesser
Image source: Phillip Haumesser
Image source: Phillip Haumesser
Image source: Phillip Haumesser
Image source: Phillip Haumesser
Image source: Phillip Haumesser
Image source: Phillip Haumesser
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