Photographer Tells Strangers They’re Beautiful And Captures What Happens Next
Turkish travel photographer Mehmet Genç is about to put a smile on your face, just as he did with the many people he met on his travels around the world while producing the photo series he called “You Are So Beautiful“.
The series premise is pretty simple – the photographer approaches random people for a photo and snaps the first shot. But the magic happens before the second one when he and tells people they’re beautiful. Then the real beauty shows itself in heartwarming reactions of these people.
Genç also has a story of his own to tell. Before creating these amazing photo projects he was struggling with his work in IT in Istambul: “Fools courage can sometimes help you make the most important decisions in your life,” he writes. Now he’s not restricted by borders anymore and currently lives in Manaus, Brazil. You can follow his travels on Instagram where he has over 91k followers.
If you enjoy this idea, you should also check what happened when the same idea was done by a student in her school .
More info: rotasiz seyyah | instagram | facebook (h/t: boredpanda)
For more pictures showing how a smile can change your perception on strangers, head over right here.
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