30 Times People Won The Food Lottery And Just Had To Share Pics (New Pics)

Published 3 years ago

When people say they’ve won the food lottery, they don’t mean that they’ve won a lifetime supply of chicken nuggets or anything like that (although if they did, good on them). What they usually mean is that they’ve found an extra nugget in their pack of 6 or some fries at the bottom of the bag – and sometimes that’s enough to make their day.

Today we have prepared you a collection of pics shared by people who won the food lottery, and they’re actually pretty impressive. From giant heads of lettuce to basketball-sized mushrooms, check out all the times people were pleasantly surprised by their food in the gallery below! And if you want more, read our earlier article here!

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#1 A Miracle Has Occurred

Image source: TheGhostOfSamT

#2 This Big Lettuce

Image source: mtlgrems

#3 Giant Lemon Off Our Tree

Image source: ocscottie

#4 Was Portioning Out Some Sour Patches When The Ultimate Sour Patch Boss Fell Out

Image source: camo6

#5 This Banana Is The Size Of My Entire Forearm

Image source: reddit.com

#6 I Got A Bonus Roll

Image source: PM-ME-YOUR-TECH-TIPS

#7 Found A Perfect Salt Crystal In My Sea Salt Packet

Image source: c3r3n1ty

#8 My Friend’s Chicken Laid A Huge Egg With A Regular Size Egg Inside It

Image source: Mazzack

#9 This Butternut Squash Was Almost All Squash

Image source: elophine

#10 Got The Rare Dark Chocolate With Granola Bar Flavor

Image source: FromTheNetherlents

#11 This Kinder Egg Has Two Layers

Image source: luxurypking

#12 This Pizza With Way More Toppings Than Shown On The Box

Image source: darkpollopesca

#13 My 5-Year-Old Found A Pack Of Fruit Roll-Ups With 2 Rolls In 1 Wrapper

Image source: Mitch_CoNNar

#14 Full Meal Kiwi

Image source: somewhatbold

#15 Grapes My Dad Grows That Look Like Plums

Image source: azapater

#16 Found This Bunch Of Bananas In My Box Of Runts

Image source: AmyKeepsBees

#17 My Wife Hit The Animal Cracker Jackpot

Image source: dullawolf

#18 I Cracked An Egg Today And There Were Three Yolks Inside

Image source: rebusaurus

#19 A Twin Banana

Image source: woodslice

#20 This Mushroom I Found 5 Years Ago

Image source: BlekIgel

#21 Found A Giant Blueberry In My Parfait

Image source: xMaimeeOx

#22 Giant Puffball Mushroom My Sister Found In The Woods

Image source: kfranky

#23 This Baby Tangerine Was Hiding In A Bigger Tangerine

Image source: joshsamfrank

#24 My Corn Sprouted A Baby Corn Inside The Husk

Image source: josephrehall

#25 My Ice Cream Was Completely Overfilled

Image source: JazzHandsFan

#26 I Found The Legendary Garlic Bulb

Image source: Creivoose

#27 I Just Found A Super Long Mini Marshmallow

Image source: Michellehas2ls

#28 Behold, The King Of Cereal Flakes

Image source: CrappyWaffleGun

#29 Weirdest Blackberry I’ve Ever Seen. Crested Black Satin Thornless Blackberry

Image source: hammythesnail

#30 Jackpot

Image source: BootyFista

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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food, food lottery, funny, people who won the food lottery