People From 24 Different Households Were Given $100 To Spend On Groceries – Here’s What They Bought

Published 4 years ago

We all have that one friend who somehow manages to survive despite the contents of their fridge consisting of nothing more than a half-empty bottle of mustard and some Pizza Pockets. Well, turns out they’re not the only one with weird grocery shopping habits.

Recently, video producer Cut asked people from 24 different households to do $100 worth of grocery shopping, and shared the results which ended up varying greatly. And somehow your friend’s barren fridge doesn’t look so weird anymore.

Check out how differently people from various households spent their grocery money in the gallery below!

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Video producer Cut wanted to see what groceries people from different households would buy for $100

#1 “I’m 98, Served As A Marine Engineer During The War”

Image source: Cut

“I live in an apartment with my son-in-law and my daughter. I raise chickens.”

#2 Karen, Age: 19, Single, College Student

Image source: Cut

“I live on campus with three other girls.
Usually everyday I have pizza rolls. I don’t think I’m good with money at all.”

#3 Komal, Age: 35, Married Mother, Software Engineer

Image source: Cut

“I am married and I have two kids.
There are families back in India for whom [a 100 dollars] is like a monthly income”

#4 Mick & Anthony, Age: 36 & 46, Married, Unemployed

Image source: Cut

“We met online and it was love at first email.
Money means getting by. We’re unemployed, starving artists sort of thing.”

#5 “A Hundred Dollars Means Food For A Week”

Image source: Cut

“I’m always thinking budget, thinking practical.”

#6 Melina And Kevin, Married

Image source: Cut

“We’ve got three kids, a dog and a boat.
We love to gather around food and celebrate our family and friends.”

#7 “I’m 64 And I Work As A Lunch Lady At An Elementary School”

Image source: Cut

“[Food] is a communication. It’s making people happy.
I live by myself. Unless I’m meeting friends somewhere, I eat alone, probably watching TV.”

#8 “I Collect Social Security. Not Near Enough, By The Way”

Image source: Cut

“I get 1,110$ a month, puts me pretty close to, if not under, the poverty level.”

#9 “65 An 67 Years Old. We’ve Been Husband And Wife For 18 Years”

Image source: Cut

“I don’t necessarily like his style of cooking. One time he made me Vietnamese Norvegian gambo.”

#10 What Would You Buy With 100$?

Image source: Cut

#11 “The Angriest We’ve Been At Each Other Have All Been Shopping Experiences”

Image source: Cut

“We love cereal.
I kind of see food as fuel, nothing more.”

#12 “Having Kids Now Is Crazy At Times”

Image source: Cut

#13 “I Am 88, A Retired Metro Bus Driver”

Image source: Cut

“Food is sustenance. I used to [cook], I used to love to do it, all that’s gone because I can’t see.”

#14 “My Name’s Gertrude. I Go To Restaurants A Lot For Company”

Image source: Cut

“Food means nourishment, especially since being older, [it has been] very important to eat the right things.”

#15 Tripp, Age: 30, Single, Bartender

Image source: Cut

“I would say I’m really striving to be middle class, but I don’t know if I am quite yet.
A hundred bucks means like a couple of days worth of money or one frivolous night of indulgence.
I would say I drink at least six days a week.”

#16 “Oreos And Energy Drinks… I Have To Have That”

Image source: Cut

“I would say food is just a medium for community, family.”

#17 Rich And Bernice, Engaged

Image source: Cut

“We try to have dinner together, at least the nights we’re at home at the same time. We don’t watch TV while eating”

#18 Dylan, Private University Student, Finance Major

Image source: Cut

“I like to cook fresh food so I got greens. I get UberEats and stuff sometimes. I spend about $150-200 per month on it.”

#19 Brie And Ralen

Image source: Cut

“When you have a child and you have to make ends meet, you could go to the cheapest store and $100 barely stretched.”

#20 “I Study Strategic Communications And Live In A House With 8 Girls”

Image source: Cut

“Usually I spend about $50 on groceries. I don’t come from a family that has a lot of money. So that kinda sucks when everyone else is going out to eat and you just have to stay home to save money.”

#21 “We’re Both 19. Everyone Says That We Eat Like Children”

Image source: Cut

“I feel like normally when we spend $100 it’s not ever on this much food. We were like wow we can actually get a lot for $100.”

#22 Ryan, Public University Student

Image source: Cut

“My room consists of a mini fridge and a toaster oven to cook pizza rolls.”

#23 “I’m Trying To Be An Actor. I’m Going To College Because My Parents Require That”

“I just buy little snacks that I can add to my school day.
I spent a quarter of my budget on honeycomb. I love honeycomb.
I don’t cook. I eat out almost every day”

#24 “I’m Going To Be A Medical Assistant”

Image source: Cut

“I spent about a quarter of the $100 on baby formula. I always cook dinner for me, my boyfriend and my daughter”

Check out the videos below!

Image source: Cut

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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$100, Buying groceries, people spend $100 on groceries