30 Reddit Users Who Completed Awesome DIY Projects During The Quarantine
Being stuck in quarantine is a great opportunity to pick up a project you never managed to find the time for. You could try your hand at painting, woodworking, and even landscaping if you’re feeling brave enough – the possibilities are endless! And just in case you don’t know where to start or just need a little inspiration, today we have a collection of people’s quarantine projects that will help put you on the right track.
People on Reddit are sharing the awesome DIY projects they’ve finished during the quarantine, and you’ll be surprised with what you can accomplish with a little time and the right motivation. Check them out in the gallery below!
#1 My COVID project. Yard and paint
Image source: AustynCunningham
“Not including the fence my total cost for yard and repainting was under $1,000… so not actually that much money for the difference it made”
#2 My quarantine project. Digital design, laser cut into 10 layers of plywood, stained brown. No name
Image source: 4MC
“This is 10 separate 3mm thick pieces of plywood. All the depth you see are cuts in the individual sheets. No engraving. I use a 500mm x 700mm red and black Chinese laser and feed the material through the machine on the wider axis. So the finished piece is more like 695mm x 1500mm.”
#3 My Covid-19 home project
Image source: Peninsula-Snow
#4 Quarantine Project #2 : A Bunk Bed for My Son’s GLASSES
Image source: Rock23L
“I started thinking about making a shelf for my husbands glasses and tiny bunk beds popped in my head and I was like “Yes!””
#5 Covid-19 DIY project
Image source: ben_aj_84
“I put a whole bunch of road base underneath it, about 600kg worth in the end, which will help with drainage. The longest part was getting the ground cleared and somewhat even.”
#6 My quarantine project! I am a xray technologist by day and made a mascot for my department to add some fun during these stressful times!
Image source: izumii14
“Pattern by Crafty Deb Designs.”
#7 We don’t have space for a dining table in our apartmant, so I have made a walnut lift-top table. (inspiration from Make Something YouTube channel)
Image source: Kukaac
“This is where I got the inspiration.
However, I have done it a bit differently, using cross-joints at the corners and sized it to match my previous table, as I’ve found that the right size. I did not use any plans since it’s quite straight forward to cut it.
I tried to find the pivot locally, however, I could not find anything at a reasonable price here in Europe, so I ended up buying from China.”
#8 Craig is loving his quarantine cat castle. Especially now that it includes open patios at perfect heights for swatting at human heads
Image source: mnhaverland
“I think just trial and error. Don’t cut out too many doorways (that compromises the structural integrity). Make sure it’s against a wall. Make sure it has a strong base- the bottom boxes on ours are extra sturdy. Edit: Maybe even try it on a corner for more wall support. You can thumb tack the upper boxes into the wall.”
#9 Made a miniature Simpsons ’polly pocket’ thing!
Image source: ilovesheep123
“I made if from Palight! It’s like a thin, dense foam”
#10 Actually managed to finish one of many quarantine projects lol
Image source: elh10
“I did a stitch called a French knot it’s easy to do although takes up a lot of thread! The green used up 5 skiens of thread!! And this is a small hoop. Originally was going to do it on a bigger one then I realised I would keep having to order more and more thread until I could finish it!”
#11 My covid project
Image source: BigDingDingDan
“Honestly if I didn’t have 5 weeks off and hired a painter it would of been another story. [It cost] probably around 2400 dollars with zero labor”
#12 Second quarantine project, mountain shelves for my son’s big boy room using simple pine board. Almost embarrassingly simply compared to the master pieces on this sub, but I’m proud of how it came out, especially the white cap
Image source: Highlander2671
“1/4” ply for the front caps cut with a jig saw and then a cheap foam brush for painting the sides. Found it easiest to mark the distance down each side to paint after cutting out the ply caps and then use the foam brush to “push” the paint and make a crisp straight line with the end of the brush. Turned out better then when I tried to paint a straight line by hand while moving the brush side to side.”
#13 Before and after of my marathon of a backyard project
Image source: TheWeetodd
“The number of steps involved is insane. Digging trenches for irrigation, leveling the base layer of bricks, running a drainage line, backfilling the wall, laying landscape fabric over the top, planting, irritating, etc.)
When I started it seemed like something I could totally knock out in a few weekends, and then I learned that I am either a very slow worker, or there was WAYYYYYY more work to do things right than I anticipated.”
#14 My covid-19 project…
Image source: vexorgd
There was an old fiberglass insert before. I bought this as a distressed property, there was black mold in the basement. I removed all the drywall, insulation, electrical (because of rat damage), couple walls and had the black mold remediated long before lockdown.Used materials left over from other projects, so [the budget] is hard to tell, $3000 maybe?
#15 First quarantine project complete. A plant holder for my girlfriend
Image source: hippopowerbeast
“It actually has adjustable feet on the bottom for uneven surfaces. I didn’t want to add wheels since it would be holding ceramic pots.”
#16 My covid project. Tons of free time and minimal experience
Image source: FantasyFlyer3
#17 First quarantine project finished. {Pattern: Autumn mandala rainbow by NoussaCreation on Etsy}
Image source: cgsf
“This is only my third cross stitch ever. I had to frog sections a few times because my count was off, but I still had fun. It had very little back stitching, and that’s the only part I’m not happy with. My back stitching could really use some work.”
#18 Our quarantine project was screening in and decorating the back porch. Having this to look forward to gets me through my insane work days!
Image source: scarigold
#19 We completely reset our bedroom for our quarantine project
Image source: shazkitten
“The wall that the bed is on now has the entrance to the master bath along its left (in the picture) side, so the bed is centered along that wall, and it perfectly holds the queen-sized bed and nightstands. Having it against the other wall really under-utilized the space. Now we have a far bigger area of the room available, and the bed doesn’t feel like it’s floating in this massive, under-utilized space.”
#20 My Covid-19 and first ever woodworking project. Sofa armrest with integrated wireless charger and usb pass through
Image source: HumanSkunk87
“My first ever woodworking project since school… integrated wireless charging and controller/remote holder. Usb passes through to a hub off the back of the sofa. I was fed up with trailing cables and not something stable to put a beer on in the evenings! Stained ebony and multiple coats of wax.
Designed in Microsoft word and made with basic tools.
Made a number of mistakes and lessons learnt, but did all this from my apartment lounge over the course of a week sawdust EVERYWHERE!!
I do have a number of photos that I took in making it that I can link to if anyone is interested.”
#21 I got bored and decided to paint my room…
Image source: Cr1K
“It was my first time. Just search in YouTube “3D painting walls” there [are] a lot of designs!”
#22 My quarantine project
Image source: sawcebox
“[The structure] is probably pre-fab, it was here when we moved in and looked pretty crappy, but we painted it to freshen it up. I remember having something like this in my backyard growing up too. If I had to date it, it’s probably been here since the late 80s or early 90s”
#23 Zero waste quarantine project: I made a baby doll for my daughter out of clothing scraps, remnants, and thrifted yarn. Stuffing is an old cotton apron I shredded
Image source: marigoldsfavorite
“I literally just sat and snipped tiny pieces of apron apart with fabric scissors, it was very tedious. It did come out kind of lumpy, it’s hard to tell in the picture. I added some leftover yarn inside her body cavity to make that part a little more squishy.”
#24 Covid-19 Confinement Project : Triforce Penny Floor
Image source: Nei_Nei
“There was lots of planning into this; over a year actually. I just never knew when I would find the time to get this done. The confinement order here in Quebec gave me the time I needed to get it done.”
#25 Covid project- bathroom makeover. I did the painting and we hired out for the bathtub work
Image source: azrunner88
#26 Moved into a new apartment before quarantine started, gave us some time to upgrade our side yard! We built all the planters ourselves and are really excited to try gardening for the first time
Image source: OWLstandingbadger
“We got [artificial lawn] from Home Depot. It’s one that’s formulated for pets. We got a cheaper one first and didn’t like how it looked so lifeless and fake, this one was a little under $200 but we love it. Comfy and looks lush!”
#27 Front yard COVID-19 project, before and after
Image source: vikramjatt11
“Some pictures of the project and everything that was completed.
These are all my first landscaping projects and I am very happy with the imperfections in them. I purchased a saw, screw gun, proper digging shovel, etc. for these projects. Please let me know if there is something I can do to improve anything.
Need to finish up the porch but it has been raining the past few days.With some leftover wood, I also created two trellis for the flowering vines in my garden (one by my mailbox and one in picture one at the very right). I need to put those in today, will post pictures of those tonight.”
#28 First Quarantine Project
Image source: kayleighbird
“I actually just cut around the edges very carefully with sharp embroidery scissors after finishing and put it in the frame!
Pattern: Head of a Young Boy from HipsterStitchInc on Etsy”
#29 My quarantine project completed
Image source: tiredbutstillalive
“This took me roughly 20 hours”
#30 Quarantine project number ?? Been wanting to make this for years and finally had time. Mostly scrap ends left over from other projects. This is how I avoid actual adult responsibilities and keep my sanity
Image source: wild_serenity
Link to the pattern used.
Got wisdom to pour?