20 Times People Learned Something Late In Life, As Shared In this Online Group (New Answers)
No matter how much worldly knowledge you’ve gathered, there are always some things that you might have missed. Sometimes, it’s embarrassing to admit that you missed something so simple and casual that even kids would know. However, there is nothing wrong with admitting that you don’t know something as it’s never too late to learn.
There are many Reddit threads in which people have shared the things that they learned embarrassingly late in life. We have collected some of those answers here today. Scroll below to read them. And if you want more, check out our previous posts here and here.
Image source: demolitiondubz, Houcine Ncib
My dad once told me that the word “gullible” isn’t in the dictionary. 18 years later, I got the joke.
Image source: patinaYouUgly, Henry Söderlund
As a kid my uncle would play this joke where he would put his hand on your head and make like a jellyfish squeezing your head a little, and say “this is a brainsucker, know what it’s doing? Starving!”
I would always laugh but did not get it until I was like 25
Image source: [deleted], Tim Wildsmith
I always thought that if a guy didn’t hold his penis while he was peeing, that it would whip around like a fire hose.
Image source: sfw8580, Etienne Girardet
Fruit Loops are all the same flavor. I was 27, and I still remember the shock of finding out Toucan Sam had been lying to me my whole life.
Image source: [deleted], Keren Fedida
I thought orgasm was a nice word for fart when I was 10. Told my mom I had so many orgasms that my stomach hurt.
Image source: Hugh_manateerian, RODNAE Productions
I didn’t know how to write in print until my first year of college. Up to that point, I only learned cursive, and my teachers were so happy that someone willingly used cursive that they just went along with it.
Image source: Sparky62075, Ganapathy Kumar
At seven years old, I realized that the moon is not the back of the sun.
A few years later, it turns out that no matter how good you are to your cat, it doesn’t grow up to be a dog.
Image source: The_Patriot, Fredrik Rubensson
the end pieces of a loaf of bread keep the bread fresher, longer, so you should not eat them until the very end of the loaf.
This I learned at 52.
Image source: livid54, YUSUF ARSLAN
I don’t know why but whenever someone mentioned that a piece of furniture (or often the dashboard of a nice car) was walnut, I kind of thought they meant the nut and shells all crushed up and smoothened and I wondered how they did it. Then, in my thirties, I realised they probably make it from the tree. Felt like a right walnut that day.
Image source: Feels2old, thom masat
that I couldn’t drink my problems away and that drinking was the problem.
4 years sober
Image source: the_meat_n_potatoes, Christian Bowen
The meaning of birthday suit. I was 26 at the time.
Image source: BetsyPeachBucket, Ujesh Krishnan
That the delete key on the keyboard deletes to the right of the cursor. Backspace deletes to the left and I would always move the cursor to hit backspace instead of just hitting delete.
Image source: um8medoit, Chris-McKee
I was deep into my teens when I realized it’s “make ends meet” instead of “make end’s meat”. I always visualized it as procuring the last bit of food you could in tough times. Wrong!
Image source: The_e-Detective, Sung Jin Cho
That the opposite sex does not owe me anything for my kindness.
Image source: [deleted], Lottie Corin
Tasmanian devils are not made up by Looney Tunes
Image source: Trugem6, Helena Jacoba
Until i was 19 and away at college i did not know that milk curdles or bread molded. I grew up in a family of 8 and we went through that stuff so fast.
Image source: bangersnmash13, Anna Shvets
It took me 10 years and $20,000 to figure out how credit cards were supposed to be used.
Image source: T33n_T1t4n5, Serena Repice Lentini
Octopuses have BEAKS
Image source: greenoctopusink, JESHOOTS.com
Oh this question was meant for me.
I was 16 years old when I learned “flooriting” was not a word.
I grew up watching a LOT of SpongeBob and it was my favorite show. In the show, SpongeBob always fails his driving test because he will always “floor it” instead of driving slowly. When I was little I thought that “floorit” was a single word that meant to go fast and always assumed that someone could be “flooriting” or going very fast.
Fast forward to driving school. I’m in the car with the instructor and another student. I’m driving slowly on the highway and someone aggressively passes me. I made some nervous comment like “man, he’s really flooriting!” And the car just gets really quiet for a second. Then the other student in the car goes, “flooriting? What?”
And that’s when I realized. It all crashed down on me at once. FLOOR IT. It was two different words. It meant putting the gas pedal on the floor. I was shook. I kinda gasped and couldn’t even respond because I was overwhelmed.
It’s been 8 years and I still have never had such a strong, sudden realization of anything. And secretly I still kinda use “flooriting” in my head sometimes.
Image source: CGY-SS, Tim Green
An old co worker was 21 or 22 when he discovered that Ponies aren’t just juvenile horses, but like another thing entirely. He spent an entire day walking up to anyone he could find going “Hey did you know” it was hilarious.
Got wisdom to pour?
#2 is all wrong. U slowly jellyfish suck there head through the whole joke. U say can u guess what I am? They say Idk what are u? U say I’m a brainsucker, who’s starving to death. It’s all in the execution. No wonder he didn’t get it.
What’s with all the spelling police on here? Like really just shut up. if they wanted your opinion on how to spell something they would have asked.I go through the comments because I like them sometimes they’re funnier but then my mood gets ruined when I have to read those annoying unnecessary comments…
I’m 18 now, but like 3 years ago I found out that when someone sneezes you don’t say “blesh you”, but instead you say “bless you”. I always would say “blesh you” to people.
I always wondered what the word “blesh” meant, and why people would say it.
Had a friend some years back that thought all cats were female and dogs male. I had to brake it to her… She was 24. Lol.
You mean “break”, not brake like a car pedal
You mean “break”, not brake lije a car pedal
I’m no genius but c’mon people… REALLY??
What about God and Santa?
The plural of octopus is octopodes as the suffix ‘pus’ comes from Greek, not Latin.
English is not a prescriptive language. Saying one thing is correct is a good way to make sure you’re wrong.
The irony of the photo of the keyboard in this article showing a delete key that deletes to the left and not the right.
When I was in elementary school the loudspeaker played the star bangled banner each morning. It was old and poor quality, so the words were muffled and I guess I didn’t quite hear it correctly… I thought the line went “JOSE does that star bangled banner yet wave”, instead of “OH SAY does that star bangled banner yet wave” I always wondered who Jose was and why we were asking him??? Jokes on me I guess. I felt so stupid the day I read the words to the song. I was in my twenties!
I used to think Ralph Lauren were two different people. Ralph made the men’s clothes and Lauren made the women’s clothes. It was only a couple years ago that I realized they were the same person after I watched that one episode of friends lol