20 Funny Comics From The “Insert Brain Here” Series By Artist Paul Woods
Paul Woods, fondly known as “Woodsy”, is a comic artist and cartoonist hailing from Melbourne, Australia. He gets fans invested in his amusing comics with a smile through his unique style of clever puns and wordplay.
The artist’s latest comic series under the name, “Insert Brain Here” has rapidly gained quite a bit of popularity because of this particular talent. Scroll below to check out how through a few words of dialogue between the characters of his stories, Woodsy gets you giggling with joy.
More info: Instagram
Image source: insertbrainherecomic
Image source: insertbrainherecomic
Image source: insertbrainherecomic
Image source: insertbrainherecomic
Image source: insertbrainherecomic
Image source: insertbrainherecomic
Image source: insertbrainherecomic
Image source: insertbrainherecomic
Image source: insertbrainherecomic
Image source: insertbrainherecomic
Image source: insertbrainherecomic
Image source: insertbrainherecomic
Image source: insertbrainherecomic
Image source: insertbrainherecomic
Image source: insertbrainherecomic
Image source: insertbrainherecomic
Image source: insertbrainherecomic
Image source: insertbrainherecomic
Image source: insertbrainherecomic
Image source: insertbrainherecomic
Got wisdom to pour?
I wish i could go back to a minute ago when i didnt click this site
This is some funny sh**
4,5,6 12, 16, 17, 18. Those are the best humors
When does the comedy start? This was awful and you should feel awful.
Our sympathy to those too emotionally constipated to get the release from simple humor. You want complexity? Stuck to editorials.
Your work is remarkable!!! Shame on people that are incapable of doing a better job and only criticise.
How amazing you are…❤️❤️❤️❤️ Love your sense of humor.
Try Alaska thirty days without sun.
😂 i was laughing throughout …. the chicken is my favorite character, i love it
Agree whole heartedly Vic. To the people who denigrat
Agree whole heartedly Vic. To the people who denigr denigrate Paul Wood’s efforts, I say “Let’s hear you do better.”
Agree whole heartedly Vic. To the people who denigr denigrate Paul Wood’s efforts, I say “Let’s hear you do better.”do better.”
@Ryan Waldron i think you like both dark chocolate and milk gone bad
@ryan Waldron if you didn’t like it then why did you go through the whole thing and then waste your time commenting?
Finally a normal, non-brain-dead sheep.
Crappy puns with drawings that could have been done by a 6 year old….not exactly a brain bending accomplishment now is it.
I think you like both dark chocolate and milk gone bad
Sympathy to those too emotionally constipated to enjoy simple humor. Go read an editorial for laughs.
Love your sense of humor.
John 14:6 “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” KJV
Wow. Unwitty critiques instead of constructive criticism… all because you haven’t accomplished the same. Smh
@ Ryan Waldron:I think you like both dark chocolate and milk gone bad
Good clean humor, that even a child can enjoy!