“Is It Right Or Wrong?’: 20 Opinions On Kicking Out A Child That Just Turned 18
Most kids can’t wait until they finally turn 18 to declare their independence and be their own boss. However, the same can be said for some parents too. It’s become quite common for many parents to wait until their child legally turns 18 so they can be kicked out onto the curb.
However, whether this is exactly the right thing to do is still up for ethical debate considering the unstable economic climate and the rising toll of student debt. So when someone asked, “What do you think of the parents that kick their kids out as soon as they have turned 18 years old?“, the responses created an intense and insightful discussion. Scroll below to check out some of the more thought-provoking replies found on the thread.
My parents are foster parents (they’re my bio parents but they’ve been doing foster care all my 30 years of life) and they don’t kick out the foster kids when they turn 18.
When children’s aid stops supporting them (usually at 18) my parents step up and help the kids until they can comfortably move out or until they want to. They have a 25 yr old still living with them because she fears abandonment and my parents don’t want her to leave lol. They love each other.
My parents helped out over 20 kids throughout my life to try to become successful human beings, no matter how long it takes. Many of them are still in contact with us. We took them in and loved them.
How can parents who raised their own children kick them out just because they reached “adult” status. I just don’t get it lol.
Image source: Ashsea
Image source: SupremeCultist, erix!
A girl from my class came home after our grad night party to find two garbage bags with her stuff in them. They didn’t even tie it so when it rained that night it filled up the bags with water and destroyed her laptop, pictures, and clothing.
Her parents showed up at her house last year on Independence Day because their house burned down from a firework mishap. I’m told the husband just asked them to leave. Oh, and I should add they didn’t have insurance on the home so they were pretty much screwed.
Image source: troll–boy
My bf got kicked out at 18 and his parents literally said to his face “Since you were an accident and we didn’t mean to have you, we need you out of the house now so we can actually relax like we used to before you were born.”
Anyway, I think extremely badly of them.
Guy in my graduating class had that happen to him. He came back from Project Graduation the next morning and his father had put all his stuff on the front lawn. First day out of High School and kicked out of the house, not 12 hours after receiving your diploma.
Bobby went on to college, got his degree, and got married to his HS sweetheart, and moved into a large house in the biggest city in our state, and works high up in one of the hospitals downtown Louisville KY. When his Mother passed away, she left a good chunk of money to Bobby and his brother, whom daddy did the same way 4 years later. Father got cancer 6 months after his wife passed, ended up in the hospital, and Bobby and his brother let their father lose his house to the bank. Bobby bought it on the courthouse steps, bulldozed it, and split the new property in half, giving it to the neighbors on both sides of the now empty lot, who let Bobby and later his brother live in their basements for a time while they each figured out what to do. Daddy stayed in the hospital and when released, had to go to a half-way house sponsored by the VA, because neither Bobby or his brother would let him move in, and he had no siblings to speak of.
I know this because my Mom graduted with Bobby’s dad, and for some reason thought I should know the details of their lives….
Image source: Saltriverjohnny
I cut all ties after they kicked me out. They both died young. My life was rough for a while but it all turned out okay.
And now I’m the adult, and my oldest is 20. He’s still at home rent-free while he pursues his career and education. I’ll do the same for the other four.
We bought a new house when my oldest was 19 and we specifically made sure he had a room where he could feel comfortable to stay here and have his own space.
Image source: Any_Monitor5224
Image source: Abyssal_Imp
Was one of those kids, haven’t spoken to my “parents” in over 10 years.
Have no intention on speaking to them any time in the future either.
Image source: myseryscompany, Alexander Dummer
I used to think they were all horrible, no exceptions until I married a guy that was kicked out by his parents. After living with him for 15 years, it made me question how they lived with him for 18.
Image source: Faucherfell
It’s terrible! My fiancé’s birthday is the 26th of December – a day after Christmas. On his 18th birthday he was told by his father he was now an adult and had to go. No warning or anything. He had to move into his car that same week. And yet, 25 years later, his father has the audacity to continuously ask us for money to pay his bills.
It’s their right, but I disagree with it.
I was kicked out the day I turned 17. I lived out of my car for 3 months while working fast food and completing my senior year. I would’ve probably dropped out had it not been for my best friends dad. He found out about the situation and forced me to move in with them. He wouldn’t take no for an answer. He had recently got divorced because his stay at home wife was cheating on him. Because they had a spare bedroom and I was friends with both his sons that lived with him, he told me “It’s just us guys living there and having fun. You stay until you finish school. After that, you can pay $100 a month in rent until you decide what to do. Don’t argue with me.”
The man’s a saint. I wouldn’t have been able to keep going to school without him, and he knew it. He’s a guy who had to drop out to work back in the day to support his family. He got his GED and clawed his way up to head engineer at a factory so he could afford a nice home for his wife and kids. He bought a nice two story home that he barely got to stay in for a women who didn’t appreciate him. The man even came home every single day and cooked meals for us to make sure we’d eat.
In the middle of fighting a divorce, trying to get custody of both of his kids, and keep the house he paid for, he took me in, adding to the stress. He did that for me just because I was friends with his sons. If I ever get rich, that man is getting an early retirement and a comfortable home wherever he chooses. If that man can do all that for someone that isn’t his child, parents have no excuse for not helping their own kids out.
Edit: I had no idea this would blow up this much…thank you, everyone. I just wanted to answer some questions that are being asked.
This was years ago and I still bump into them from time to time, but we’ve all drifted apart in these years due to adult lives being… busy, lol. I still talk to them every once and a while. They are still my friends and I can hit them all up any time I wanted to. I still play Xbox with the sons a few times a year. I always make sure to have them tell their dad thank you for me. I had a serious heartfelt talk with him about a year after I graduated and moved out. I still think about that man nearly every day of my life.
As for my family, I was not a perfect child at all and I have some blame. The thing is, I honestly feel I never would have been the way I was in my later teen years had they been more accepting of myself and my lifestyle. I saw my other friends being able to come to their parents and talk to them without fear of judgement from them, or God. Ultimately, religion is the reason I was kicked out. They are strict southern Baptist.
I did cut my parents out of my life for three years after I was kicked out. They never contacted me for the first year. They tried to reconnect after the first year, but I have them two more years of silence. I let them back in my life, but on my terms. It was easy to make my demands considering I didn’t need them anymore. We now have a healthy relationship. We can finally look each other in the eyes and be honest. I no longer fear their judgement, that’s honestly the ingredient we were missing in our relationship.
I now spend a decent amount of time with my father and mother. It’s funny, my dad and I actually have long conversations about our different ideologies and beliefs. We even poke fun at each other about it. It’s nice, considering I never actually was able to connect with him much growing up. I’m the first male in the past 5 generations of my family that didn’t become a southern Baptist pastor. I think my father sees it as opportunity to understand how people living a different life than him are. And i see it as an opportunity to better understand why he did what he did. A lesson i had to learn the hard way is that it’s better to seek understanding than to live with hate in your heart. He respects me and I respect him.
It was hard for my mom at first. She comes from a small town of 300 people where everyone goes to church happily and believes anything their parents tell them. She would be abrasive with me at first when I would talk about how I drink, or live with my girlfriend. Hell, she still does from time to time, but my father always nudges her into calming down.
Edit 2: I keep seeing people say “it’s not their right” which I understand, but it’s not really an argument worth pursuing. As a 17 year old who just got kicked out, I didn’t want to get the police involved. That meant either I move to a foster home an hour or two away, and then lose my friends as well as my family. That or they force my parents to take me back and life just gets worse. I was happier living in my car. As scary as it is being a kid on your own, it was better than the alternatives.
Image source: arsenal7777
They’re not Italian, that’s for sure.
Here in Italy, when the “child” is finally ready to leave the house at the age of 35, the family gets together to bid them a tearful goodbye… before they move 1km away from their parent’s house.
Image source: ChiAnndego
I got kicked out of my mom’s house at 15 because my mom was a headcase, and my OCD went off the scale because of the mental abuse. Dad didn’t want to take me in and told me so, but my stepmom forced his hand. The day I graduated HS, my stuff was on the lawn with the locks changed.
Then I had to live with years of angry messages on the answering machine, ‘How come you never call?!?! Why do you hate our family?!?!’
I even got accused last week by a family member that I made the whole thing up when she was trying to tell me that I’m a bad person for ignoring my mom. The level of the narcissism of some people is unbelievable.
Image source: VaginalSpelunker
Wasn’t even a discussion, somehow I turned 18 and was given a plane ticket voucher and nothing else. Not a cent, no advice on how to adult, no real direction. So I couch surfed instead until I found work. Then moved away.
My 18-25 was nothing but a struggle. I genuinely can’t remember any point during that time where I felt like I had a handle on life whatsoever.
And now I just don’t talk to them anymore, it’s been years. I’ve had family come to me with the “they’re your parents they did the best they could” b******t.
It just sucks, knowing that your parents don’t love you.
Image source: 1pencil
I was kicked out at 16 and again at 18.
My mother had no ambitions for work and decided the low to zero income way of life was a good choice to raise three kids. (Addictions and mental disorders ofc).
Anyhow, she demanded 500 dollars per month from me, while I was in highschool. At the time, a full time job at minimum wage would net you about 300 bi weekly.
Needless to say I first had to drop out of school to woro full time to pay her that.
Eventually I got back into school, cut back on (and quit) jobs until I was part time and could actually attend school.
This cause money to stop coming in.
This caused her to be angry.
This caused me to become homeless.
So now when she asks for help, or simply wants to talk to me, and I dont reply… Well, there you go.
(There were many other things involved, but if you are a d**k to your kids, they will be a d**k to you when they are adults. Rightfully so.)
(Yes, I am now a parent, and no, under no circumstances would I do what she did).
“You’re 18, you’re on your own. Don’t ask us for anything , because we don’t owe you any more support“
… 20+ years later…
“I know we made it clear that we won’t do anything to help you, but now that you’re successful and have something that WE want (grandchild), we’re willing to amend that agreement so that family is super important to us. It’s so lonely after we drove everyone away!
Image source: UndertakerFred
Image source: DonLucoIII
I work in homeless services, focusing on transitional aged youth between 18 and 24 who have been in the foster care system or Probation camp. The amount of youth who I have worked with who get kicked out at 18 is disgusting. As soon as they turn 18, the checks for fostering youth stop and the foster parents no longer feel incentivized to house these youths, regardless of the bonds formed. So out you go to make room for another paycheck to come in.
To top it off, neither the foster parents nor the system prepare these youths for the reality ahead. They are extremely financially illiterate and have no idea how to navigate life. It’s so sad and depressing.
Image source: NYArtFan1
It’s trashy behavior and bad parenting. Your role as a parent doesn’t suddenly expire when your child turns 18. It also shows an unhealthy relationship to your child, as if they were some kind of burden that you’re counting down to be rid of. Now, if a kid goes to college or something and moves out at 18? Different story. But children should always feel that they have a place in their family’s home, regardless of their age or what life might throw at them.
Image source: Frankie__Spankie
Kicking out your kid as soon as you’re legally allowed to do so tells me you wanted them out of the house even earlier and the only reason you didn’t do it is because you didn’t want to be arrested.
Image source: Khaos_Gorvin, RDNE Stock project
Great candidates for a nursing home in their later years.
I’ve never met anyone who does this and is also a decent human being. They’re always like “kids gotta learn to stand on their own two feet, I don’t care if my kid is homeless and gets assaulted, life’s not fair lol, pull yourself up by your bootstraps like I did when my dad gave me a company in 1973”
Image source: 1thruZero
Image source: SelfWipingUndies
They’re fools, selfishly setting up their children for a life of unnecessary hardship and struggle.
Got wisdom to pour?
I think it’s right. The thing is, we can help him out at first, but the child won’t grow up if he doesn’t start living on his own.
Don’t make yourself worse and depressed, bitlife will help you change your negative thinking.
thank you for that. I’m playing papa’s games unblocked right now.
Please stop using gray font. It is very hard to see.
I hope to see more great posts from you io games