This Artist Drew 30 Comics That Show How Parenting Is Harder Than You Think
Jonathan Jui is a London-based illustrator and the creator of a funny ongoing comic series about parenting. The artist started creating the series three years ago when his son was born and tries to capture a moment each day. Jonathan uses his comics as a visual journal and ultimately wants to gift to his son.
“When I started this journey of parenthood, I had no idea what I was doing,” says Jonathan. “And after three years, I still sort of have no idea what I’m doing…but I do know parenting is as tough as it is rewarding.” And while the artist’s comics show that parenting can be a real challenge sometimes, all of the sweet moments the family has together proves that it’s all worth it.
Check out Jonathan’s comics in the gallery below!
More info: Baba’s Field Notes | Instagram | h/t
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