Origami Artist Folds Life-Sized Elephant From A Single Sheet Of Paper
Professional origami artist Sipho Mabona managed to create a life-sized origami sculpture that most people would have difficulty with on the miniature scale. With the help of his team of up to ten people, the artist folded a magnificent life-sized elephant from a single 15m x 15m (50 ft by 50 ft) sheet of paper.
The team took four weeks to complete the 3m (10 ft) tall white elephant sculpture, which weighs roughly 250 kilograms (550 lbs). The project was financed through crowdfunding site Indiegogo, which raised over $26,000. This allowed the team to work for an entire month and capture the process on film. The grand sculpture is now on display in the KKLB museum in Beromünster, Switzerland.
Source: mabonaorigami.com | Facebook | kklb.ch (via)
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