30 “Normal” Medical Issues People Overlooked Until Pointed Out

Published 11 months ago

In the vast expanse of cyberspace, Reddit serves as a digital agora where users exchange ideas, seek advice, and share experiences on topics ranging from the mundane to the profound. One recent thread on the platform, initiated by user Prudent_Tip4118, delved into a matter of paramount importance: the consequences of dismissing seemingly benign symptoms as inconsequential.

The thread unearthed a trove of personal anecdotes underscoring the perilous gamble of forgoing medical treatment. Scroll below to read some of the replies.

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Image source: Grilled_Cheese10, Andres Ayrton / pexels (not the actual photo)

Losing weight suddenly got a little easier, and I assumed it was due to my efforts. Happy with my success, I buckled down harder (funny how it’s easy to keep “being good” when you’re actually seeing results). I lost more! It actually got to be almost easy. I thought I was doing such a great job! Turns out it was cancer. I guess I should have known something was up, but I honestly thought I was just doing a really great job with my diet and exercise. Had 4 surgeries and treatment and I’m doing well. Now I’m on meds with all kinds of side effects, including weight gain. Yay. But I’m alive, and so much better off than many others. I’ve only gained a little bit back, despite working really hard not to.


Image source: dannicalliope, Kateryna Hliznitsova / unsplash (not the actual photo)

Losing weight suddenly got a little easier, and I assumed it was due to my efforts. Happy with my success, I buckled down harder (funny how it’s easy to keep “being good” when you’re actually seeing results). I lost more! It actually got to be almost easy. I thought I was doing such a great job! Turns out it was cancer. I guess I should have known something was up, but I honestly thought I was just doing a really great job with my diet and exercise. Had 4 surgeries and treatment and I’m doing well. Now I’m on meds with all kinds of side effects, including weight gain. Yay. But I’m alive, and so much better off than many others. I’ve only gained a little bit back, despite working really hard not to.


My mom convinced me as a kid that I was always just being a “big baby” about my period cramps. I’m talking like curled up in the fetal position on the floor crying type pain. Then when I had an ACTUAL baby, and the contractions weren’t as bad as some of my worst cramps, I finally realized she was just a dismissive POS.

Image source: GerdDawg


Image source: honkifyouresimpy, SHVETS production / pexels (not the actual photo)

Not sleeping or eating for days but still feeling great and having more energy than your average athlete. Turns out you’re bipolar!


Image source: therealzue, Sora Shimazaki / pexels (not the actual photo)

Massively heavy periods in my 40s. I thought it was just perimenopause. Turns out it was adenomyosis.


Image source: innerfatboy3, cottonbro studio / pexels (not the actual photo)

Not me, but one of my brother’s friends in high school.

This friend was a goober; always making silly but friendly jokes that make families laugh as a whole, all and all a genuinely funny person.

One day he took my sister’s glasses and was “acting like her” only to pause for a moment and then say “wait…is this how things are supposed to look?”

My man needed glasses and found out from f****n around. I’m glad the universe leaned towards him in a positive way as far as that went!



I remember saying it was too much and just.. continuing. “Guess it was fine”

*he was in fact, not fine*

That moment when your psychosomatic issues get so extreme you can no longer leave the house. And recovery is so slowwwwwwwww…..

Still going through it. Doing much better than before but nowhere near good enough.

-infinite/10 experience, do not recommend. Take care, y’all, too much is too much.

Image source: MisterXnumberidk


Image source: VR6SLC, Andrea Piacquadio/ pexels (not the actual photo)

I thought I was constipated for a few days. Hurt like hell. Turned out to be diverticulitis and a perforated colon. My wife called the ER and they brought me in without triage and sent a chaplain. I lost a foot of my large intestines and almost died.


Image source: disneyDaf, Tima Miroshnichenko / pexels (not the actual photo)

Bent over to pick something up and felt a twinge in my groin (I’m male). I thought perhaps it may be a hernia. I wasn’t too concerned about it then things started to ache a bit. I went to the doctor only to find out I had testicular cancer. Fortunately after we cut out lefty and got all the results back from pathology it was staged at 1A seminoma. Meaning the surgery alone was all the treatment I needed.


Was always told periods are painful (ex: cramps). So for years I thought my incredibly debilitating period pain was me being a little b***h about it.

Turns out I have both PCOS and endometriosis and, of course, fertility issues. FML.

Edit : word.

Image source: Cyn113


Image source: SnooChocolates4588, Adrienn / pexels (not the actual photo)

Used to drop my makeup all the time when I was getting ready in the morning. Ugh, so clumsy. Ended up being myoclonic seizures.


Image source: elenaalia75, RDNE Stock project / pexels (not the actual photo)

Apparently your belly button isn’t supposed to hurt. It was an umbilical hernia. :(.


Image source: acenarteco, Leah Newhouse / pexels (not thea ctual photo)

I kept telling my OB I was worried about my legs/ankles swelling in the later part of my pregnancy. They dismissed it—told me all pregnant people experience it.

At 39 weeks I got sent to the hospital for extra monitoring on the baby due to an irregular test . She ended up being fine but my blood pressure was crazy high. I was induced that night and then given an emergency C-section due to severe preeclampsia.

Not a fun start to my baby’s life but she’s here and healthy so I can’t be too upset.


Image source: hillbilly-man, Nathan Dumlao / unsplash (not the actual photo)

I’d have these really minor facial twitches, like a single small muscle in my upper lip or eyebrow. Nothing even severe enough to be visible by others. However, they’d last for a few weeks straight, even while I was trying to sleep.

I didn’t think twice about it. They always went away on their own, after all!

After I suddenly went blind in my left eye and got diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, I connected the dots.

Edit: Facial twitches are normal! Just because you have twitches often doesn’t mean you have a problem, especially if you don’t have any other reason to believe you have multiple sclerosis or any other disease. My twitches were CONSTANT for WEEKS. And even then, there are other, less serious (and probably more likely!) things that can cause that. Please don’t let my comment stress you out.


Image source: PhreedomPhighter, Andrew Neel / pexels (not the actual photo)

Depression. Apparently losing all hope and being numb to joy isn’t just a part of growing up.


Image source: cwsjr2323, cottonbro studio / pexels (not the actual photo)

A random sharp pain above my right ear and my tongue curling slightly. I thought it was just old age. Doc recognized it instantly as something wrong with my tongue. The cancer has been cured for seven years.


Image source: honeybeebzzz, Kelvin Valerio / pexels (not the actual photo)

It took my lungs collapsing at 17 years old before doctors realized I wasn’t breathing in deeply enough to expand the bottom half of my lungs for basically my whole life. They asked why I never complained about shortness of breath. I never knew breathing was supposed to be easier than what I was experiencing.


When I was about nineteen, I randomly heard on NPR that it takes the average person around 20 minutes to fall asleep and I went “oh s**t” because apparently my bar for having sleep issues was way, way too high. To me, a good night sleep meant I fell asleep within two hours of going to bed and it wasn’t “trouble” until I hit three hours. And once I communicated this to my doctor and was finally able to treat my crippling insomnia with medication, my depression and anxiety suddenly got way more manageable as well.

Image source: Twodotsknowhy


Image source: EchoRespite, Kindel Media / pexels (not the actual photo)

I thought I pulled a muscle playing with my dogs one day. One week later I finally go to the hospital because the pain is getting worse. Turns out I suffer from a genetic blood clotting condition and had a two foot log clot in my leg and multiple pulmonary embolisms on my lungs. Doctor was legit surprised I was alive.


Image source: Ambitious_Doubt_1101, Joice Kelly/ pexels (not the actual photo)

As a kid I had anxiety and my heart would race. Fast. It felt like a hummingbird in my chest and would abruptly pause and resume a normal pace after a few minutes. At age 23 I had a bad reaction to a tricyclic antidepressant called imipramine and was rushed to the hospital. They ran an EKG and that rapid heart rate was a congenital defect known as Wolfe Parkinson White syndrome. Basically I had an accessory or 2nd electrical system in my heart that would cause a “short circuit” occasionally and my heart rate would skyrocket. It was cured via a procedure using radio waves to form scar tissue around the accessory node because the impulse could not conduct through the tissue. No problems since.


After 40+ years it turns out I’m not just weird or liked things most didn’t. Finding out you have Autism that late in life is hard. Knowing that 40+ years of life could of been easier if I only knew is very upsetting.

Image source: nameless_0


Image source: Loves_me_tacos125, Michelle Leman/ pexels (not the actual photo)

My family told me I would randomly “space out”, although I never remembered, all thought it was normal. Turned out, I was having “absence seizures”. We only found that out at a routine doctor’s appointment, just conversing with the doc, when I guess I just came to and the doctor said she wanted to get a bunch of tests done. Been an epileptic for almost 17 years now. Edit: I was shocked, tbh to see how many of has or had what I have. Unfortunately, my Epilepsy has evolved into tonic-clonic seizures, I rarely have absences anymore, but had one focal back in November. For anyone who has friends and/or family who has seizures and Epilepsy, thank you for being there for them. Just know, that we appreciate you all. For all that HAVE seizures and Epilepsy, UNITE!!!


General stomach pain that I dismissed as perhaps constipation, but which would – every few years or so – send me to emergency worrying that it was my appendix. I was kicked out of emergency departments at different hospitals multiple times, because it was not.

I moved to a new city and was lucky enough to score a decent family doctor who took it seriously. She told me she was rather impressed with the amount of “referred pain” I was having and that I should go straight to emergency. I replied that there was not a hope in hell I would subject myself to that kind of humiliation again. No way.

She sent me for a CAT scan and lo and behold, it WAS my appendix. She referred me to a surgeon, and on the day of my surgery no one in the hospital seemed particularly interested in my condition, I think most of the medical staff thought I was having unnecessary surgery though, curiously, they were MUCH nicer to me afterward. I recall a lot of people standing over me in the recovery room.

The surgeon called me to come in for a meeting a couple of weeks later, and when I walked into his office he had an odd expression on his face. He told me my appendix was many times the normal size, probably because it had been infected and healed over the years, building up scar tissue. He asked me if I minded if he wrote it up in a medical paper or a textbook (I can’t remember exactly which – he taught at the university). I gather at the time “grumbling appendixes” were a bit of a unicorn and there had been much debate over whether they were real. So I guess my appendix settled that argument in the medical community once and for all.

Image source: GoOutside62


Image source: go_eat_worms, Sora Shimazaki / pexels (not the actual photo)

Until I was 16 I thought everyone got stomach cramps a few times a day. Turns out I’m lactose intolerant. .


Had a slightly sprained ankle that just blew up in a day and split the skin. Turns out, not a sprain but Pyoderma gangrenosum, a rare skin inflammation condition that acts like gangrene. Nobody could tell me what it was that made my ankle flesh explode.

Within a week they were talking to me about amputation. Then Nurse Molly came back from vacation and identified it as she’d seen it once before. Still have both my feet and nearly full mobility.
Grateful for teaching hospitals that draw professionals from all over like Nurse Molly ❤️.

Image source: MonkeyBrain3561


Image source: GreyFoxLemonGrass, amazingmikael / envanto (not the actual photo)

You know how you get all congested after excercising, and wheeze for a bit before everything settles down again? No? Yeah, that’s because most people don’t have excercise induced asthma. I was in my 30s before I knew that was a problem and not normal.


That it was completely normal to have about 10 to 20 or so mostly creative hobbies that one purchases a bunch of tools and supplies for and randomly dabbles in on and off for several years if not the rest of one’s life, or completely drops out of sudden disinterest. After all, my great great grandparent potentially did it, my great grandmother did it, my grandpa did it, my parent does it, and I do it.

Turns out the ADHD runs *very strong* in my family.

Image source: CatCatCatCubed


Image source: somaticconviction

I thought I had bad period cramps. Then I thought I had acute food poisoning. Turns out I had ovarian torsion and my ovary was slowly dying over the course of a few days.


Image source: bmbmwmfm2, cottonbro studio / pexels (not the actual photo)

That pulled muscle was actually a collapsed lung. After days of hot baths, massages, trying to relax-nah, nothing helped. No wonder.


Inattentive ADHD. Got diagnosed at 54 and my life all suddenly made sense.

It was like riding a bike with a flat tire and wondering why peddling appeared to be so much easier for everyone else. Being told I’m sometimes too lazy or a dreamer, etc. Then learning at age 54 the existence of tire pumps and being able to keep up. Game changer.

Still annoys me that all along, this medication was available and could’ve helped decades ago.

Image source: VentingID10t

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

Got wisdom to pour?



health issues, medical problems, neglecting health issues, seemed normal until pointed out, symptoms