25 Legendary Childhood Things That Have Disappeared From The World Today
There are a whole bunch of things that we used to enjoy as kids that are not around anymore. From the popular Tamagotchi games to blockbuster video rental shops, Redditors recently got together online to reminisce about things we used to take for granted, but are no longer available though remembering them sure does bring back a whole heap of nostalgia.
#1 Leaving the house at sunup and returning at dinner time. We just ran free with no fear of being kidnapped.
Image source: anon, cottonbro studio (not the actual photo)
#2 Manners
Image source: icestaylowkey
#3 VHS tapes
Image source: TJRegina, Anthony
#4 I remember k’nex. No one talks about them.
Image source: UrUnclesTrouserSnake, Sparr Risher
#5 Those Goosebump books
Image source: PhillipLlerenas, teakwood
Trashy day time talk shows…there were dozens of them it seemed
Hollywood Video / Blockbuster
Jenna Jameson
Grunge rock
Sticker books
Prank calls
#6 The snake game on phones
Image source: circlebowser4, play.google
#7 Going to Blockbuster on Friday night
Image source: Julie-Andrews, trebomb (not the actual photo)
#8 Climbing trees. Do kids still do this?
Image source: Skud_NZ, Allan Mas (not the actual photo)
#9 Nobody plays with yoyos anymore
Image source: llcucf80, amazon
#10 Those water ringtoss things that were handheld
#11 Having to get off the internet so Mom could make a phone call lmao.
Image source: CommieCryptid, Blake Patterson (not the actual photo)
#12 Walkman
Image source: robert_roo, cottonbro studio (not the actual photo)
#13 Prank phone calls
Image source: Thom-as-Moe, cottonbro studio (not the actual photo)
#14 Skip-It aka ankle shatterers
Image source: NeedsItRough, amazon
#15 Tamagotchi
Image source: Jewmangroup9000, Abdulla Al Muhairi
#16 Before I was totally competent swimming by myself, my mom would put a life jacket on me, tie a long piece of nylon rope to it, and chuck me in the river. She’d basically swim me on a leash down the river for fun. Mom, you are the classiest redneck.
Image source: Iaoxpax, Genuine_ Anthony (not the actual photo)
1. Knowing people’s phone numbers
2. Getting on your bike after school to go to your friends house. Finding out they weren’t home. Riding your bike to a different friends house and finding 4 other friends already there.
3. Ding dong Ditch.
Image source: Mattsmith712
#18 Pez candies. No one even cares about them anymore
Image source: Mattsmith712, Ellie Burgin (not the actual photo)
Using 1800collect as a messenger service.
please accept a collect call from “YOWEREATTHEMALL”
To accept
#20 Atari. Games were so much simpler with just one button and an unreliable joystick.
Image source: TheUnblinkingEye1001, Blake Patterson
#21 Rollerskating birthday parties. I used to love those.
Image source: LovesMeSomeRedhead, Laura Stanley (not the actual photo)
#22 Banana seats.
Image source: Hebshesh, Allen McGregor (not the actual photo)
#23 Mix tapes
Image source: treesareslow
#24 Moon boots!
Image source: Clawffee
#25 Slap bracelets
Image source: AmyHeartsYou, jyllish (not the actual photo)
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