20 Of The Weirdest Posts Found On The “That’s Not Satisfying” Twitter Account
We all love a good joke, a good laugh, something wholesome to take the edge off and just get us in a lighter frame of mind. We love it even more when it’s quick and effortless. In that sense, memes have really done a fantastic job of filling this need for relatable expressions in the modern, 21st-century world we live in.
However, the more memes we consume, the more we want. So today, let’s explore this interesting collection of random and weird content found online. The following clever and amusing memes were shared on the Twitter page, ‘That’s not satisfying’, but you may in fact feel the opposite when you run through the gallery of posts below.
More info: Twitter
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Got wisdom to pour?
Working from home, I earn $165 per hour. When my neighbor told me she was now making an average of $95, I was very astonished, but now (ubd-83) I understand how it works. I now have a great deal of freedom thanks to becoming my own employer.
I carry out the action—————————————>>> https://xurl.es/67a4a