20 Dumb Statements From People Who Have No Idea How Women Work
Confidence together with ignorance can create a dangerous combo. Especially when it’s to do with men who think they can dictate terms to women.
The /r/NotHowGirlsWork subreddit documents the craziest examples of such cases, where people shared some of their most out-of-touch views on women’s minds, bodies and rights.
#1 I Don’t Think Any Of These People Ever Go Outside
Image source: nipplequeefs
#2 An Oldie But Goodie
Image source: Adventurous-Bid-7914
#3 What A Piece Of S***t!
Image source: amungus45
#4 Sure You Did And The Roast Xd
Image source: Mr_Jackcity
#5 Sir That Is Not How This Works
Image source: Welcome2_TheInternet
#6 “Instagram Wisdom”
Image source: vicious_veeva
#7 Another Alpha Male
Image source: Unfair_Assumption_23
#8 The Ever-Confusing Hymen
Image source: ramdamble
#9 Pants Are Evil
Image source: Unfair_Assumption_23
#10 What The F**k Does That Mean ?
Image source: GinoPaolinoooooo
#11 Apparently We’re Bonded To Everyone
Image source: candycorn901
#12 Womens Bodies Aren’t Actually Theirs
Image source: flaminghotdex
#13 Why Aren’t Women More Superficial?
Image source: g1rlchild
#14 Finally Found One In The Wild
Image source: chasing_waterfalls86
#15 Yes, Stick It Into My Urethra ?
Image source: Ok_Bobcat_5060
#16 Don’t Miss Out Your Biology Classes!
Image source: amungus45
#17 “5min Of Continuons Sex”
Image source: PickyPouic
#18 I Need .. I Need… A Mother
Image source: Unfair_Assumption_23
#19 Women In Their 20’s-30’s = Old Chunky Milk
Image source: taipoor
Image source: mika_limon_08
Got wisdom to pour?