25 Secret Things We All Know But Remain Stubbornly Mute About

Published 2 months ago

It’s oftentimes better to bite the tongue than to get involved in an argument. This is why most people keep quiet about their innermost thoughts, misgivings or opinions. But one Redditor got curious about all the unspoken things folks keep silent about, whether from fear of judgement or retaliation. However, under the cloak of anonymity, Netizens candidly responded with the things everybody knows, but nobody talks about out loud. 

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#1 When people betray or abuse you, they know what they’re doing. They’re doing it on purpose, and they’re not sorry. They’re consciously making a choice.

Image source: angryaxolotls, Keira Burton/Pexels

#2 People who get paid the least do most the work.

Image source: anon, Tim Gouw/Pexels

#3 That religion is a social construct, where you are born largely determines your religion. If you happened to be born in India there is over an 80% chance you will be Hindu. If you are born in the US you probably will be a Christian.

Image source: BerkshireGent, Pixabay/Pexels

#4 Money absolutely matters.

Image source: Fit-Network-589, Pixabay/Pexels

#5 Having mentally sane parents is one of the most important privileges in life, yet it isn’t talked about nearly as much as race, class etc.

Image source: Deep-Detail3604, Caleb Oquendo/Pexels

#6 Emotional intelligence is vastly underrated.

Image source: HardcaseKid, Engin Akyurt/Pexels

#7 The world population is too high.

Image source: Shobadass, San Fermin Pamplona/Pexels

#8 There actually *are* people above the law.

Image source: WiFiEnabled, The Lazy Artist Gallery/Pexels

#9 We all have dark thoughts that we dont act on.

Image source: GorillaZodd, JESSICA TICOZZELLI/Pexels

#10 Looks do matter, and they matter a lot.

Image source: Stock_Garage_672, Pixabay/Pexels

#11 Children that are complete a******s exist. The parents know.

Image source: DinoHimself, Monstera Production/Pexels

#12 I shouldn’t have to ask “how are you” in a work email. It should be ok for me to just talk business and get straight to the point. .

Image source: dumbinternetstuff, cottonbro studio/Pexels

#13 People often pretend to be happy when they’re not.

Image source: LovingRielyn

#14 Some friendships only last as long as they’re convenient or beneficial.

Image source: PureThyriel, Pixabay/Pexels

#15 People aren’t equal. I don’t mean by race. Racism is nonsense.

Some people are good looking nice smart and athletic and had the right upbringing. They got it all . Some people have nothing going for them.

Not even equal before the law.

Image source: DifferentCod7

#16 We are all just kids walking around in grown up bodies.

Image source: ThatOneChick57, Cameron Casey/Pexels

#17 Most newborn babies are ugly on the first day. ?.

Image source: Amazing_Bug_468, Jonathan Borba/Pexels

#18 Nobody’s actually read the Terms and Conditions, like ever. We just scroll to the bottom, hit accept, and hope we didn’t sell our souls to some tech overlord. ?.

Image source: FarhadTowfiq, RDNE Stock project/Pexels

#19 Consumer capitalism is destroying our habitat super quickly and with every passing day we make it worse.

Image source: kingsuperfox

#20 The amount of Government incompetance and wastefulness in many countries is staggering. And the only reason I’m not a libertarian is that I don’t trust private enterprise either. History has shown time and time again that companies big and small will absolutely f**k over people given half a chance and especially if there are no laws and regulations.

Image source: OgdruJahad

#21 That being alive at all and conscious is just really, really weird.

Image source: Rexappeal, Arthur Brognoli/Pexels

#22 Everybody knows that success often comes from luck and timing, but we rarely admit it. We prefer to believe it’s all hard work and talent.

Image source: HeavyRecognition9124, Pixabay/Pexels

#23 Some People don’t apologize because they have remorse for what they did. They apologize because they think it will end the conflict.

Image source: Sad_Estate36, Alex Green/Pexels

#24 That we are all certain to die and be completely forgotten within a handful of generations.

Image source: Notmyrealname, Anna-Louise/Pexels

#25 Violence sometimes is the answer.

Image source: Ceewcee, Pixabay/Pexels

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



judgement, offensive, people, secrets, social issues, society