15 Winners From The Nikon Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2024 That Might Put A Smile On Your Face
Wildlife photography often captures majestic, awe-inspiring moments, but every once in a while, the animal kingdom delivers the unexpected—a comedic masterpiece! The Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards 2024 has done it again, showcasing the lighter, funnier side of nature. This year’s winners are guaranteed to bring a smile to your face.
These images remind us that wildlife can be as quirky and humorous as it is majestic. The Nikon Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards celebrate not only the photographers’ skills but also the joy animals bring into our lives through their unintentional humor. Here are 15 winning entries that prove animals have a great sense of humor—intentionally or not!
More info: ComedyWildlifePhoto.com | Instagram | Facebook
#1 Insect Category Winner: Jose Miguel Gallego Molina “Mantis Flamenca”
Image source: Jose Miguel Gallego Molina
On my way back from my photo walk in a swamp near my town (Pantano el Sitjar), I suddenly stopped my car on the road when I saw someone ordering me to stop. This was when I saw my friend the Flemish Mantis for the first time. You can imagine the faces of the other cars passing by, seeing a car with the indicators on and the door open, stopped on the roadside and a madman lying on the ground with his camera in his hand.
#2 Highly Commended: Andy Rouse “Alright Mate, Back Off. This Is My Bird”
Image source: Andy Rouse
This image was taken in South Georgia, it really does show a male king penguin trying to make a move on a female who has already paired up with her male. The body position and wing posture make the message clear – “back off!”
#3 Overall Winner And Mammal Category Winner: Milko Marchetti “Stuck Squirrel”
Image source: Milko Marchetti
The photo was taken on April 23, 2022, in the “Podere Pantaleone” park in Bagnacavallo – Ravenna – Italy.
It is a park open to the public and schools, but from October to March, it is closed to visitors, and I am allowed (in exchange for photographs for educational and promotional purposes) to use a fixed photographic hide to photograph passerines, woodpeckers, hawks, and even 3-4 squirrels that come to visit the photographic set consisting of a small lake, and the surrounding vegetation. Generally, in Italy, especially in the area where I live, in the Po Delta Regional Park, it is very difficult to see and photograph squirrels (they are very rare) but here in the park they are quite confident.
A few meters from the hide, an old cut tree has a hole (an old woodpecker’s nest), and here the squirrels (two years ago there were 4 specimens) sometimes come out of curiousity to check out the old hollow tree.
I have taken several photos of squirrels in many situations, but the shot I choose to participate in the Nikon Comedy Wildlife immediately struck me for the strange position assumed by the squirrel that seems to be stuck halfway in the hole in the tree, but in reality it is the moment in which it is detaching the support on its hind legs and enters the hole.
This photo had an effect on me and made me smile a lot in that moment that I clicked the button, and during my evenings of slideshows and nature videos that I often hold at photography clubs and theaters, the audience always explodes in energetic laughter when I show this photo. I knew I had to enter it into the competition.
#4 Highly Commended: Ralph Robinson “Gang Of Four”
Image source: Ralph Robinson
On the penguin highway, these rockhoppers are moving into town, and this town ain’t big enough for all of them! I set up my camera a good distance from this ridge, where rockhopper penguins were returning from feeding in the southern Atlantic ocean in the Falkland Islands. The long lens pulled them into the frame without disturbing their return to nests on the hill. I love photographing penguins after they’ve been in the water as they are cleaner! These birds look like they are ready to kick some penguin a**!
#5 Highly Commended: Randy Herman “You’re Not My Mother”
Image source: Randy Herman
This female Red-bellied Woodpecker had been investigating this Screech Owl nest for a couple of days; perhaps it was her nest last year? This little owlet was definitely startled, and didn’t seem to know what to make of this intruder. The woodpecker moved on, and the owlet fledged with its two siblings about an hour late.
#6 Highly Commended: Takashi Kubo “Mafia Boss”
Image source: Takashi Kubo
It looked like he was sucking a cigar, and he looked like a mafia boss.
#7 Highly Commended: Jan Piecha “I’ll Tell You A Secret”
Image source: Jan Piecha
A tiny raccoon is telling a secret to its mum while whispering in her ear.
#8 Highly Commended: Leslie Mcleod “Hide And Seek”
Image source: Leslie Mcleod
We were on safari in Kenya and happened upon this beautiful female who was looking for a mate. A group of topi were also keeping a pretty close eye her as she left messages for a potential partner on various trees. This shot makes me think that the cheetah is just about to shout out, “ready or not, here I come!”
#9 Fish & Other Aquatic Animals Category Winner: Przemyslaw Jakubczyk “Unexpected Role Swap”
Image source: Przemyslaw Jakubczyk
Every annoyed and overtired fish needs to de-stress by hunting for a bald eagle.
#10 Highly Commended: Artur Stankiewicz “I’m Too Sexy For My Love”
Image source: Artur Stankiewicz
One of the ‘lazy’ mornings we have decided to stop by the pool with hippos while in Mana Pools NP. My idea was to try and catch fighting hippos, yet, they all were quite peaceful. I have positioned on the bank, safely from the potential charge and waited. Some of them raised their heads in curiosity or when proximity to the other individuals was too close. Then I got this idea to catch the portrait with water plants decorating he head, It looked like the guy just got our of the hairdresser with a big smile on his face :)
#11 Highly Commended: Marti Phillips “Are You Kidding”
Image source: Marti Phillips
Two Cape Fur seals having a laugh.
#12 Bird Category Winner: Damyan Petkov “Whiskered Tern Crash On Landing”
Image source: Damyan Petkov
Whiskered tern head hit the rock when try to land.
#13 Portfolio Award Winner: Flynn Thaitanunde-Lobb “Dancing To The Music, Rock Guitar, Roly Poly, Weight Lifting”
Image source: Flynn Thaitanunde-Lobb
I first heard of the Comedy Wildlife Photography Award when my mum showed me last year’s winner of a kangaroo playing air guitar. I thought it was quite funny. I got into photography when my mum gave me her Nikon D3000 camera when I was 5 years old. I have been using Nikon camera ever since.
I love taking photos of all kind of animals: birds, foxes, spiders, butterflies, squirrels. Anything that catches my eyes. Anything that is beautiful.
I won my first ever award coming third place in Bird Photography Of The Year (BPOTY) competition for Under 8 category when I was 6 years old with my Perching Seagull.
I went on to win RSPCA Mobile Phone under 12 category in 2023 with my Weaving Spider
Winning the Comedy Wildlife Portfolio Category would mean everything to me. It will be my third win. This is a big international competition and it is difficult and hard to win. I dream of being a winner and come home with a trophy in my hand. It would be my greatest achievement so far in my life, if I am the winner. I would so love to win!
If I could photography anything at all, I would use the best Nikon camera ever to take a family of white fox in the snow with little cubs running and playing.
#14 Nikon Junior Photographer Category Winner: Sarthak Ranganadhan “Smooching Owlets”
Image source: Sarthak Ranganadhan
Our parents always find a way to embarrass us, I guess that’s also true in the case of spotted owlets. It was truly a funny sight to see two owlets trying to get some privacy as their little offspring stood next to them with a grin shut eyes
#15 Reptile Category Winner: Eberhard Ehmke “Frog In A Balloon”
Image source: Eberhard Ehmke
During a photo shoot at the pond I discovered this frog with its head in a bubble. This resembles a tree bell.
Got wisdom to pour?