24 Brilliant New Words That Must Be Added To A Dictionary
The beautiful thing about language is that it changes to reflect the times. Sometimes we even have to coin our own words and phrases for new things! Unfortunately, few-to-none of us are William Shakespeare, so the new words usually end up being portmanteaus. The term means a word that’s constructed by taking some parts of two words, and making a new one. It’s also known as a blend in linguistics. Probably the most egregious use is meshing names of celebrity couples like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie into Brangelina, all in the name of efficiency of spreading celebrity gossip. It has other, legitimate uses, like making new state (the newly independent state of Tanganyika and Zanzibar chose “Tanzania”) or animal names (“liger” comes from “lion” and “tiger”).
Of course, many of these words come from urbandictionary.com, a website dedicated to user submitted definitions of new words. As such, many of them are neologisms, not seeing much official recognition… yet. However, if you start using them yourself, then who knows, maybe you’ll get them included in all sorts of prestigious dictionaries! If “meatspace” (meaning the non-virtual world, also known as “reality”) managed to get into Oxford dictionary, anything can!
More info: urbandictionary (h/t: designtaxi)
Got wisdom to pour?
And the opposite of “Bedgasm” is “Orgasm” itself…. the joy experienced by a person who is very excited to go to office everyday :)
Blends, compounds, puns. Good fun and the dictionaries will go for them in order to seem hip. I wonder how many will ever catch on? I’ve only heard askhole and hiberdating actually used in real-world conversations.
Masturdating is a VERB. you have it listed as a noun.
It is a gerund. To masturdate is a verb.
I don’t mean to be ambitchous, but gerunds are verb forms. Boom. Just blew your mind.
A gerund is the form of a verb used where a noun would usually be used. In this case it is, effectively, a noun. Boom!
Gerund is, as NIMH rodents know, what all the gerbils wear under their fur, some go as far as leather and lace combinations to mess with the researchers minds. Gerund – an article of clothing worn under a Gerbil’s fur. BLOOMers!
The irony is Spankey used it as a noun when it was put as the subject of ‘is’ in the very same sentence that claims it is a verb! Hmm
I think this thread is full of masterdebaters!
Alex is masturdatinging now ))
Perfect example of Colombusing: Twerking. It’s been in music videos and tribal dancing for years, but only becomes famous when a White hick starts doing it. Our race is so predictable.
I was totally expecting this comment and my response as well. Our race is so predictable.
So, is living down to a stereo type a form of Columbusing?
The opposite of Columbusing is called SUVing because that is all that comes up when you google black explorer.
The same thing happens when you search for white explorer.
I get OJ Simpson. Just goes to show the interwebs isn’t always correct.
or a SEXretary ;-)
I guess a SHITuation would be too old to be included ;-)
You should really say where these words came from if they started on popular sites, otherwise that’s kind of rude
They do. There’s an intro at the top about it, yo.
Stop! You’re totally *swagbagging* that guy. He want’s to be super cool and totally holier than thou right now but you aren’t letting him have his moment… However rightfully.
Holy Shitzu, I’m totally confused.
add listicle — an article that’s a list of items
Askhole: (n) A person that repeatedly asks for advice only to ignore it.
What is the opposite? That is, a person who repeatedly gives advice to those who didn’t ask for it? Adviceroy? Douchebag?
Adviswhore – A person who whores out advise, even when it’s not wanted.
Did you mean advice
Rockin’ funny, even if we still cannot distinguish nouns from verbs.