Pixie And Brutus Are Back With 7 Adorable New Comics
Can you name a more adorable comic character duo than Pixie and Brutus? We bet you probably couldn’t – and it’s not hard to see why. The two always get into all sorts of wacky adventures that will surely put a smile on your face. And what once started as a random comic idea that cartoonist Ben Hed had, eventually grew up into huge following with over 1.7 million followers on the artist’s Instagram account.
Fans love the two characters so much, Ben is even even planning to introduce plushies of them, starting with Pixie. “There are a few changes that still need to be made, but if I had to guess a date, I’d say we’ll start selling within 3 months. If we sell enough Pixie plushies, we can do other characters ( Brutus next, most likely),” said the artist in an interview with Bored Panda.
Ben has gained over 300k followers since the last time we featured his comics and the number just keeps rising.
Ben always reads the comments under his posts and says they’re a great way to get feedback and ideas for new comics and characters. “There are probably a couple of comics in my feed that are entirely inspired by a comment on one of my posts,” says the artist.
The sudden success of the comics even lead to Ben becoming a full-time illustrator!
The artist even has some high hopes for the future of the characters: “I’ve been thinking it would be cool to have them adapted into a tv show, but that’s LONG long term. Probably won’t even ever happen… but maybe.” We hope it will – we’d surely be big fans!
See the rest of the comics in the gallery below and be sure to check out more here and here!
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