Tohoku earthquake and tsunami of 2011 left one long lasting scar: the Fukushima Exclusion Zone. Polish photographer Arkadiusz Podniesinski got the permits to enter the area of the nuclear disaster to take pictures. Chilling photos show nature slowly crawling back in. The 20km / 12.5 mile zone is rife with scenes that remind us of apocalyptic movies: cars on the road being swallowed by trees and hastily abandoned supermarkets.
“It is not earthquakes or tsunami that are to blame for the disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station, but humans,” writes Podniesinski on his website. His intent was to let people draw their “own conclusions without being influenced by any media sensation, government propaganda, or nuclear lobbyists who are trying to play down the effects of the disaster, and pass on the information obtained to as wider a public as possible.”
More info: (h/t: boredpanda)
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Abandoned Vehicles Are Slowly Overcome By Advancing Grasses

Some Car Have Almost Entire Disappeared

A Radiation Reading In The Area Shows of 6.7 uSv/h

The Field Is Also Absorbing This Chained-Up Motorcycle

Contaminated TVs Stacked As Part Of The Cleaning Effort

Supermarkets Show Scattered Goods And Hanging Cobwebs

Abandoned Supermarkets Remind Us Of Zombie Movies And Fallout Games

A Computer Lab Near To The Facility Shows Computers Covered By Bird Droppings

A Ready Dining Table Shows The Haste Of The Evacuation

Abandoned Go-Carts In The Exclusion Zone

Abandoned Classroom Featuring Abandoned Instruments

Buildings Were Damaged From The Earthquake Even If They Weren’t Touched By The Tsunami

Bicycles Are Ubiquitous In Japan, Exclusion Zone Has A Number Of Them

This Class Was Evacuated Mid-Lesson

An Pachinko Parlor Now Empty Of Visitors

Drone Photo Showing The Storage Area For Contaminated Soil

Bags Are Stacked In Two Rows To Save Space

Some Landowners Are Skeptical Of The Claims That The Soil Will Be Disposed Of.

White Dots Started Appearing On Cows After The Incident. One Farmer Believes This Is Due To Contaminated Grass

“Nuclear Energy Is The Energy Of A Bright Future”

Got wisdom to pour?
So ununbelievable and sad and wasteful and I don’t understand why we use nuclear energy if this is what it can do !!!! 😢
All they had to do was build magnet generators!!!!!
So sad and unbelievable I don’t understand why we use nuclear energy if this can be the outcome ,humans ???!!!!!
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