Photographer Almost Makes A Living Taking Photos Of Squirrels In His Backyard
Squirrels are the fluffiest of nature’s creations. And taking their pictures is Geert Weggen’s great passion. The squirrels seem to be having a good time, too, exploring their environment and doing unsquirrely things such as flying in an umbrella or cutting a log. These brown little critters are a perfect alternative for a photographer who finds himself suddenly lacking cats!
“Some years ago I started to take photos from my kitchen window of mostly wild red squirrels, and do that still,” Geert Weggen wrote on Bored Panda. “Normally, I get bored after doing something for a few years, but not with this. I still watch these beautiful animals almost every day and make photos.” Weggen says that his pictures are all real – Photoshop is used only to remove wires and food.
More info: 500px.com (h/t: boredpanda)
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