Caricature Artist Inserts Mr. Bean’s Face Into Historic Portraits
Do you remember Mr. Bean, the iconic TV comic persona? What about his famous recreation of the historic Whistler’s Mother painting? It was only a matter of time till someone decided to revive his hilarious secret project, but instead of adding a hideous cartoon face, caricature artist Rodney Pike decided to enhance historic paintings with Mr Bean’s, or Rowan Atkinson’s, own face. In Pike’s images, Mr Bean invades some of history’s most iconic portraits.
The artist used CS Photoshop to put Mr Bean’s face in the place of the original subjects’ faces. “I’ve created over 40 photo-manipulations using Rowan Atkinson for the main subject over the course of 3 or 4 years and he is by far my most popular subject,” Pike told Bored Panda. “I make no statements with my work. It’s simply for fun. It’s just a really cool bonus that I get paid for doing this stuff. Love my job!”
More info: rodneypike.com | Facebook | 500px (h/t: neatorama, boredpanda)
Thank you, Rodney, for the interview!
Got wisdom to pour?
Awesome, to good
i want one…
I beat you to it in 1985….Try and spot my very amateur portrait of Rowan Atkinson, painted at school. These were mostly my school friends and teachers (plus a bizarre painting of the Mona Lisa) using a Raphael painting as a template. I inserted Rowan Atkinson just because I liked him.
I love yours though, Rodney. Brilliant!