30 Motherhood Moments Perfectly Illustrated By Artist Paula Kuka
Every mother has her ups and downs when it comes to parenting. One minute your child might seem like a little angel, calmly sleeping in their crib, while another they may seem like the devil incarnate, throwing tantrums and testing the limits of your patience. And Australian artist Paula Kuka perfectly illustrates these motherhood moments in honest and relatable comics.
In an interview with Bored Panda, the artist said she never had any plans to become an artist. After finishing school, Paula studied landscape architecture and went on to work in that profession for 10 years. She only started drawing after going on maternity leave with her first child as a way to keep creative.
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Image source: common_wild
“After I had my second baby a few years later, I started drawing cartoons as a way of documenting our daily lives (because I was useless at writing in their baby books),” says the artist. “I posted them on Instagram and they very quickly gathered attention from other parents who loved seeing such a relatable view of parenting.” In her illustrations, Paula loves to talk about both the challenges and heart-warming aspects of motherhood. “It’s important to me to talk openly about these things as I know it can help other parents feel less isolated in what they are going through,” says Paula.
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Image source: common_wild
“Opportunities can come in the most unlikely places. Be generous with your time and skills,” advises the artist. “All my greatest opportunities came when I went out on a limb and did something for someone and didn’t expect anything in return.”
“Just keep going and stay true to yourself,” says Paula. “People resonate the most with authenticity.” Check her honest motherhood comics in the gallery below!
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Got wisdom to pour?
Love these spot-on illustrations. Very entertaining!
FYI, Ausrys, there are a good number of grammatical errors in the above blurb, but the most significant one is this misspelling: It’s “piques his interest,” not “peeks his interests.”