30 People Who Got Incredibly Lucky In Thrift Stores (New Pics)
Thrifting has got to be the cheapest way to get all sorts of cool and unique stuff. After all, where else would you get a Victorian couch for your dog or a sterling silver dragon ring for just a few dollars? Some people even love thrifting so much, it’s almost like a hobby for them. Someone even started a Facebook group called Weird Secondhand Finds That Just Need To Be Shared where avid thrifters share their luckiest finds and with over 1.7 million members, you better believe it’s never short on new and interesting content.
Check out some of people’s luckiest thrift store finds in the gallery below!
#1 I Did Not Need A Cookie Jar But There Was No Walking Away From This Silly Gal. A Good Friend Recommended I Make Her A Tutu, So I Did, Of Course. Now The Hippo Has A Name – Stella – And Has Taken Over The House
Image source: Jennifer Kingman
#2 I Am An Animator And In 1987 I Animated Super Mario Brothers 3 And Well… Then This Happened Today!
Image source: Rivka Schaffner
#3 Duckie Mirror Absolutely Came Home With Me
Image source: WeirdSecondhandFinds
#4 I Found This Little Birb Thimble At An Antique Store In Gatlinburg And Fell In Love. Now I Just Walk Around With It On My Finger And Peck At People Because I’m Clearly An Adult That Has Their Priorities Straight
Image source: Kelli Dunn
#5 While Cleaning Out A Old Farmhouse My Girlfriend And I Found A Trunk Full Of Early 1900’s Clothing. This Dress Was On The Bottom And In The Best Shape
Image source: Patrick Treece
#6 I Asked The Price. The Man Said $20. I Was Shocked. I Thought He Meant $120. He Told Me He’d Gladly Accept More, So I Threw The $20 At Him And Ran. No Joke, I Literally Ran Away With This Beauty Like I Stole It
Image source: Tommie Taylor Alexander
#7 As I Walked Through The Aisles On My Weekly Hunt, I Was Expecting Nothing. I Turned The Corner, & There It Was. I Saw The Eyes Staring Back At Me, As If To Say, “Why Am I Here? ” As I Pulled It Off The Rack, & Caressed The Cotton/ Spandex Blend, I Whispered Back, “I Don’t Know… But You’re Safe Now
Image source: Katie Rodriguez
#8 Regret Not Buying This
Image source: Yadira Castillo
#9 We Have A Grumpy Kitten That My Son Named Gracie. We Found This Little 4 Poster Blue Velvet Bed For Our Princess At A Store In Collingwood Ontario For A Great Marked Down Price From Its Original Cost. Needless To Say, Our Grumpy Gracie Loves Her New Bed. She Is Ameowsed With It
Image source: Melinda Mimi Cousto
#10 Found This Amazing “Phrenology Cat”. Immediately Fell In Love And Knew He Had To Come Home And Be Part Of My Eclectic Mix In My Art Studio!
Image source: WeirdSecondhandFinds
#11 I Found A Chaise Lounge At Good Will For My Cat! She Almost Fits
Image source: Kelly Classen
#12 My 100% Thrifted Push Pinned Tape Wall. I Collected Just Over 4,000 Cassette Tapes To Put This Wall Up In My Studio For My Grand Opening
Image source: WeirdSecondhandFinds
I am unsure of where I came up with the idea, but I had it in my head since the beginning and it was paramount to me that it be up for my opening. After reno’ing for three months it came down to the wire and we started the wall at 11:00am, pushing in every thumbtack. It started with 4 of us, 2 survived awhile, then my husband said “F this noise” at 1:00am and took our 3 year old home. At 2:30am ish I fell asleep briefly in a pile of my own blood, sweat, tears and broken thumb tacks. I severely damaged my nails, and I looked like something out of a zombie flick once 10am rolled around for my opening. But it was fn glorious. I woke up after the brief nap, got up the last 17 tapes, ripped the paper off the windows and the people lined up outside lost their damn minds. I’ll never forgot it. This tape wall went on to be in a few movies, people stop to check it out, and the locals who started to call me “the cassette chick” come in to view the wall and see if any of their old mix tapes are on the wall. One person did find one, with his full name on it and showed me his drivers license to prove it. I asked him if he wanted it back and he said, “no, it’s perfect just where it is, I’ll come visit it often.” And he does, with friends. Heartwarming. This wall has become a part of my soul and I just wanted to share it with you all cuz I knew you’d appreciate it. These are what my dreams were made of as a kid and I’m so grateful I’ve been able to make some of my dreams happen and so many others have enjoyed them and been inspired! Chilliwack, BC, Canada Tapes all sourced locally in Chilliwack. Cleared every single thrift store out. It cost me a fortune but luckily, most of the thrifts out here are for charity, so that in itself is pretty rad. With the extras we went on to make tables and chairs and all sorts of weird ish lol
#13 Y’all, I Am About To Go Full On Dolores Umbridge In My Living Room! Found At Goodwill In Ne Ohio
Image source: Randi Wheeler
#14 Went To Thrift For Dresses, Came Home With A Mini Cast Iron Stove
Image source: WeirdSecondhandFinds
#15 I Am One Of The Many Hundreds Of People Who Have Lost Their Homes In The Australian Bushfires
Image source: Norah Yess
I went out for the first time to see it all yesterday – because it was a firestorm more than a bushfire everything is incinerated opposed to burnt – except pottery things. They are smashed and destroyed BUT i found my little house hippo amongst the ruins and brought her back to where we are staying
#16 I’m A Boudoir Photographer In Indiana And I Made The 4 Hour Drive For These Beauties
Image source: MacKenzie Bates
#17 Last Weekend, As I’m Going Into This Antique Store On A Whim, I Jokingly Tell Myself “Maybe There’s A Lenox Spice Village In Here Just Waiting For Me To Take It Home.”
Image source: Heather Eck
I explore about 3/4 of the store and look over at a junky shelf of stuff while squeezing past it and ***squeeeeeal*** I spot adorable little ceramic houses thinking “COULD THIS BE IT?”
IT WAS A SPICE VILLAGE, complete with the original paperwork and shelf!!! I immediately run to get a hand basket and gingerly place all the houses inside and sprint to the checkout counter to purchase my FAVORITE antique store purchase EVER!!
It ended up having one jar missing, but I found it on Etsy and snatched it up so fast!
Also, I only have one tiny wall in my tiny kitchen, and would you believe this beauty fits perfectly on it?!?!?
#18 Found At Savers In Wisconsin, You Bet Your Ass I Bought It. Also Promptly Put It On My Cat
Image source: Heidi Odden
#19 Some Good Advice Found At The Goodwill In Port Orchard, Wa
Image source: Claire Gowdy
#20 Because Who Doesn’t Want An Underwear Purse. These Did Not Come Home With Me. Lol Found At The Montgomery Antique Mall In Fort Worth Tx
Image source: Amy Denise
#21 Got This Unusual Lightbulb As Bonus To A $5 Lamp At Value Village In Fairbanks
Image source: Sarah Olga Thomas
#22 Socks I Found At Goodwill, It’s Literally My Dog!! Who Gets Rid Of Socks They Put Their Dog On? Such An Amazing Find! A Whole 3.99
Image source: Ryleigh Roden
#23 Sometimes You Just Know A Good Thing When You See It
Image source: Hanna Ellis
I work for my local theatre community as a costumer, and in the midst of purging the 1800’s section of the costume department this dress appeared as a torn, stained mess on a hanger. The ribbon on the bodice was falling off, there was a sizeable hole in the back and the skirt had a few tears in the chiffon. It was thrown in the garbage pile, and I am so thankful that I pulled it out.
It still needs to be dyed to cover the stains (there’s dark green splotches all around the hem) but it only took a few hours to tack the ribbon back on and to repair the holes. Once garbage, it is now one of my favourite dresses in my personal collection. Absolutely worth the work!!
#24 This Was And Is My Favorite 2nd Hand Find
Image source: Kelly Rodgers
It is a solid Sterling Silver articulated dragon ring. I found it a few years ago at a furniture consignment store (of all places?!?!). I had wanted a ring like this for 10+ years and the 2nd hand Gods decided I was worthy. Now I have armor, fashion AND a weapon all in one cool glorious piece!
#25 Y’all Wanna See My Adorable French Bulldog On A Tiny Thrifted Victorian Sofa, Yes? The Moment I Brought It Home, He Knew It Was His
Image source: Carrie Obry
Y’all wanna see my adorable French bulldog on a tiny thrifted Victorian sofa, yes? The moment I brought it home, he knew it was his.
Edit! I added a few pictures for context. I originally included just the first two, and that first picture makes him look HUGE. Here’s my husband buying it, for proof of size, and my other pets joining him.
My precious Frenchie is named Bouchon. It’s the French word for cork, and the French also make chocolate bouchon, which are little cork-shaped brownies. My dog is a little French brownie.
We bought the couch so he’d have somewhere to sit while I cook. He never leaves my side. He’s like Baby Yoda in his little pod, following me wherever I go.
Finally, I added a pic of Bou sitting on our human couch in our funky, weird, secondhand Victorian home
#26 Told My Kids I Wasn’t Buying Them Anything Today, But Then My Boy Found This Homemade Mask The Was Assembled And Painted From Various Parts And Painted. For $4 I Folded
Image source: Kevin Sosbe
#27 Look At This Crazy Purse I Found At Goodwill Brand New For 5 Bucks! It’s Bendy And Reflective!
Image source: Heather HC
#28 I Found This Beautiful Unicorn Braclet At A Thrift Store. I Love It Everyone Else Thinks Its Ugly
Image source: WeirdSecondhandFinds
When I brought it home with me I did some research (with the help of google lense) and discovered that it seems to be from the late 70’s early 80’s and it is called a cloisonne braclet. This information made me love it even more!! There seems to be one in blue too so now I’ll forever be on the hunt to find it.
#29 Trying To Find A Dress For Lez Prom In Austin And I Found This Sequined Monstrosity
Image source: Kyna Byrd
It’s heavy as hell, somehow shines gold, green, and pink and also…. Fits like a glove. I guess it’s coming home with me. What in the world am I gunna wear on my feet?
#30 Found This Poor Guy Stressing About The Prom! Stoughton Wi-Goodwill
Image source: Kayln Schremp
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