People Send Selfies With No Context To Their Moms And Share The Funny Responses They Get (30 Pics)

Published 5 years ago

No matter what ridiculous thing you do, your mother will always love you – that’s a fact. And Twitter user Abigail Sanders recently decided to put that to the test by asking other users to send their mothers a mom-style selfie with no context and share their responses. And they were as funny and wholesome as you would expect.

In a recent interview with Bored Panda, Abigail said her roommate inspired her to make the thread. “It has been a running joke in my suite all semester long to take mom style selfies and send them to each other,” said the Twitter user. “When my roommates mom came across one of those selfies in her camera roll, she saw it and immediately said ‘wow this is such a cute picture of you!’ despite the fact that my roommate was trying to look silly.” This gave her the theory that no matter how dumb you look in a picture, your mom will still hype you up. “I think moms are so supportive because they have that innate desire to unconditionally love them. I’m not a mom, but if I’ve learned anything from my mom it’s that she loves me no matter what and wants to see me succeed,” added Abigail.

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Image source: hawkinsjedi


Image source: partar400

The Twitter thread quickly got viral, gathering nearly 140k likes 14,6k retweets in just a few weeks. “Everyone on the internet has reacted in a very positive way, which has been so encouraging. I’ve had tweets go viral before, but nothing that was so personal and interactive. That’s what I’ve loved about this thread,” said Abigail about the thread going viral. “Seeing thousands of strangers online bond over something so positive has been really cool.”


Image source: wetchainz


Image source: seabreeezyyy

“Understanding the sacrifices our moms go through I believe is a huge part of showing them the same love they show us. Another thing I learned from this thread is that most moms are just happy to receive a text from their kids no matter what it is,” said Abigail. “I can’t imagine what it’s like to see a thread like this and not be able to participate. I was blessed with an amazing mom, but I know not everyone has the ability to send a selfie to their mom and receive support. Whether someone does not have a good relationship with their mom or maybe doesn’t have a mom, I am thinking of you. You are just as valid and important!”

Check out the selfies and the mothers’ responses in the gallery below!


Image source: brandistroup


Image source: haleyburme


Image source: aalexandriabish


Image source: TheZackPerez


Image source: FaerieMaya


Image source: braydiburnett


Image source: c0nye__west


Image source: saraloukay


Image source: jessiloveesyou


Image source: mojito_jones


Image source: theealexvig


Image source: hannahaskew13


Image source: glenys_marshall


Image source: dietkinky


Image source: PutonyourPJ_7


Image source: visualsbygabe


Image source: Bdubbbbbs


Image source: tbcstan


Image source: stolenchapstick


Image source: MadisonWilliam8


Image source: jennythescorpio


Image source: kort_gotty


Image source: elvisfknchrist


Image source: Samanthaa_L_


Image source: onlylizardking


Image source: matttdavid1

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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Abigail Sanders, abogail, Facebook mom style selfie, funny responses from moms, funny selfie responses, mom, moms, mother, mothers, post replies, send mom selfies, supportive moms, unexpected responses, viral twitter thread