20 Honest Posts That Hilariously Describe The Unglamorous Aspects Of Mom-Life
You wake up on a Sunday morning thinking, ah it’s the weekend and you get to relax. However, before you can even roll out of bed, you’ve heard the word, ‘Mom’ at least 96 times. All before you’ve even thought of having your morning cuppa.
Everyone knows that parenting is definitely not easy. It’s a full-time job even when you have an actual job and digging deep to find the strength to carry on is an almost supernatural feat, hence the popularity of the term ‘Supermom’. But while it’s a daunting task, many moms bravely step up on a daily to keep at it.
So today, we take a moment to appreciate those who rear us despite the daily struggles, some of which are hilariously captured in the memes below so you can take a moment to find the amusement of the situation before doggedly trudging on.
More info: Reddit
#1 Moms Are Super Heroes
Image source: sleepyliltrashpanda
#2 Made Me Laugh!
Image source: JohnSmillie42, JohnSmillie42
#3 Can’t Go To The Bathroom Without Every Being In The House Joining Me
Image source: violetcoconut
#4 Understandable
Image source: AdamJamesMawson, AdamJamesMawson
#5 Aren’t They?
Image source: reddit.com, Beltran19jl
#6 Am I Right?
Image source: AtomicMurder
#7 Anyone Else Feel This Post At Times?
Image source: ramblinma, ramblinma
#8 Is It Acceptable To Just Throw My Hands Up And Say “Pizza Every Night” Because This Whole Cooking And Them Not Eating Thing Is Stressful Lol
Image source: QueasyHippo3824
#9 True
Image source: falcon_boa
#10 Behind The Scenes
Image source: KevlarYarmulke
#11 This Mom’s Truthful Invitation Is Hilarious And Refreshing
Image source: thelittlemisses
#12 God, This Speaks To My Soul Right Now
Image source: theillustratedgirl
#13 My Friend Bought Me This For Mother’s Day. Probably The Best Book Tbh
Image source: Zombpossum
#14 My “Advice” From When I Had A 1 Year Old And A 3 Year Old. I Think It Holds Up
Image source: ShoelessJodi
#15 None Of Us Knew. Catching Puke In Our Hands? Kids That Lick Feet? Nobody Knew That
Image source: bekindofwitty, bekindofwitty
#16 Nap Life
Image source: mommeh_dearest, mommeh_dearest
#17 Almost Every Single Time..
Image source: Overall-Rain-5331
#18 Thx For The Deets
Image source: missmulrooney, missmulrooney
#19 At Least She Smiles At Me Now
Image source: dontsaymango
#20 Funerals Are Where I ✨shine ✨
Image source: reddit.com
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