The Brutal Truth About Today’s World By Steve Cutts
What do you think of the world today? Steve Cutts sees the world in a darker light. Do you see yourself as the master of of your appliances, or are they actually lording over you? And work, work can be somewhat aptly described as a rat race. Really, is there any way to break away from it all, to save humanity from its own insanity?
Steve Cutts studied Fine arts in university, and worked at Glueisobar as the main storyboard concept artist. “In terms of process every piece for me is different. I don’t have a standard way of doing things,” Cutts said in an online interview. “At any one time I’m usually juggling a few projects – I tend to work intermittently, working on one piece, then doing something else for a bit before coming back a few days later to the first piece with a fresh perspective. That always helps me to focus on the bigger picture.”
More info: stevecutts.com | facebook | twitter
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Couldn’t agree more! !