22 Modern and Creative Lamps
Before the invention of the light bulb, illuminating the world after the sun went down was a really hard and messy task. Just think about the amount of candles or torches needed to fully light up a good-sized room.
The humanity already solved this problem, however we’ve created a more serious problem… Now we have thousands of incredibly creative lamp designs, and it’s just too hard to choose one. Oh, the good old days when there was either a torch or a candle…
1. Wrecking Ball Lamp
2. Ice Cream Lamps
(Designer: unknown)
3. Light Blub
(Designer: Pieke Bergmans)
4. Abyss Table Lamp
5. Melting Lamps
(Designer: Keita Ogawa)
6. Giant Lamp
(Designer: George Carwardine)
7. Alien Abduction Lamp
8. Bottle Lamps
(Designer: unknown)
9. Tea Lamps
(Designer: Louisa Kober)
10. One Man Shy™
You can get on from Fred.
11. Light Dressing
(Designer: Mary Huang)
12. Dandelion Lamp
(Designer: Qin Xue, Cao iXiaoxiao & Wei Hangshuai)
13. Garbage Lamp
(Designer: Peter Castellucci)
14. Noose Hanging Lamp
(Designer: unknown)
15. Electro Heart Lamp
(Designer: unknown)
16. Liquid Lamp
(Designer: kyouei design)
17. Mario Bros Garden Lamps
(Designer: Arthur Xin)
18. Martyr Lamp
19. Modulares Lamps
(Designer: unknown)
20. Tea Cup Lamp
(Designer: Jan Bernstein)
21. Pixel Lamps
(Designer: Chan Wan Ki Kay, Chen Siu Wa Shai Chai, and Suen Ka Hei Catherine)
22. Teddy Bear Lamp
(Designer: Matthew Kinealy)
Got wisdom to pour?
Responding to Bebee why not be creative in the little things that we just over look in are daily lives, why not jazz up are day with one of those exotic lamps that add spice and flavor to are life’s like rosemary to a boring pizza or sandwich.
jeez guys! it’s just a lamp – why go overcreative here?
why shouldnt we be creative for daily stuff? Creation doesnt stop at any single areas. The more we invent, the more beautiful and hi-tech this world is. Isnt it good?
I want Mario Bros garden lamps! They’d fit in my garden very well :)
this tea cup lamp is so funny! love it! where can I buy it?
I bet some dumb Americans will use this Wrecking lamp to wreck some toy building and after setting everything on fire will sue the company for not warning not to be so dumb.
I love pixel lamps.. so elegant!