Mirror Fences Reflect The Ever-Changing Landscapes
Artist Alyson Shotz creates these unusual picket fences solely from mirrors and make us question our need for barriers and how they make us feel. They’ve been installed in various locations since 2003, reflecting the surroundings and becoming, depending on the location, either subtle camouflage or mind-bending and twisted landscapes.
It seems that heavily fenced neighbourhoods might look a lot friendlier and close-knit with an innovation like this. How safe they would be in real life for children, animals and birds, however, has not been discussed.
Source: alysonshotz.com (via: designboom)
Got wisdom to pour?
Wild life would love this. Especially birds. They would all finally have a place to “primp” and “fluff” instead of going to use the mirror at the nearest gas station. Finally something useful for all the animals.
Hi, my name is Alyson and I kill birds for lazy art
Kind of a dick thing to do to wildlife.
Millions of birds die every year because they fly into windows that reflect the sky or natural surrounds…why would you purposefully create this hazard?!
Why would a bird fly so low?
Birds are just one example. Same thing could happen to any animal.
Why would a bird fly so low?
Ooh, I love this! Very beautiful and decorative…might be a bit impractical. :)