45 Things That Left People Mildly Annoyed

Published 5 years ago

Missing your bus, forgetting your lunch at home, stepping in poo – all of these things have something in common. They’re all kind of infuriating. However, they’re not worth losing your marbles over and sometimes sharing them with strangers on the internet is all you need to let off some steam.

From those annoying pink erasers to stubborn fitted sheets, check out the things that mildly infuriated people in the gallery below!

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#1 That’s The Worst

Image source: IamIraklis

#2 When You Spend 30 Mins Guessing Your Passwords And Decide To Reset It And This Happens

Image source: GerardWayNoWay

#3 Forget Drinking Straws – This Is The Kind Of Plastic Use We Should Be Protesting

Image source: jukeboxherowithstars

#4 When You’re Pouring Something And This Happens

Image source: Bailey_Haldwin

#5 Erasers Like These

Image source: ByTheWayGiveItAway

#6 I Feel Like This Happens To Me More Often Than It Should

Image source: broke_ass_brock

#7 Finally Someone Made A Statue Of This

Image source: AssturdLevinson

#8 Boxes That Open Like This

Image source: jacobhottberry

#9 Back Pain Remedy On The Bottom Shelf

Image source: jeff1989uk

#10 When Your Keys Do The Thing

Image source: More_again

#11 The Way My Mom Watches TV With Things Obscuring The Screen

Image source: eharsh87

#12 Destroying The Planet One Apple At A Time

Image source: mattyfatty1

#13 Wtf I Suppose To Say

Image source: fredboycolor

#14 The Beach Near My House After The Tourist Left

Image source: Regangibson212

#15 Every Dang Time

Image source: JM-Rie

#16 These

Image source: CJLB

#17 The Image Speaks For Itself

Image source: CricketMeson

#18 Text Printed All The Way To The Spine

Image source: hippygrandad

#19 The Only Reason Wy I Hate Glasses

Image source: Dont-Fuck

#20 When People Answer Amazon Product Questions That They Cannot Answer

Image source: overdried

#21 I Knew There Was Something Fishy When My Pencil Sharpened Perfectly

Image source: the-jaxter

#22 Restaurants That Serve Cold Butter, Causing The Bread To Break When You Spread It

Image source: splatlame

#23 Pickup Trucks With High Beams On

Image source: krishpotluri

#24 Every Night Like 2000 Times A Night, Having To Fix This

Image source: Cultic_Planet

#25 Every Goddamn Time I Try To Peel Open One Of These

Image source: pinguboii

#26 Sitting Under This “Vent” All Summer Wondering Why I Wasn’t Getting Any Cooler

Image source: studiojiggly

#27 Middle Seat

Image source: hunglowbungalow

#28 I Couldn’t Get My Grass To Grow, So I Replaced It With A Rock Bed. Six Months Later And The Grass Is Growing Better Than Ever

Image source: bandrus5

#29 When Apps Don’t Use QWERTY

Image source: Auraurous

#30 When Your Dog Does This

Image source: michaelcollins35

#31 When Your Keys Conspire Against You In Your Pocket

Image source: dericksucks

#32 Ended Up Putting Pepper In My Pasta. Why Is The Pepper White And The Salt Black?!

Image source: Tetraazidomethane

#33 These Bananas Are Both Overripe And Underripe

Image source: Sonnyk04

#34 Spent Hours Completing This Mildly Infuriating Puzzle And Now I Can’t

Image source: deemen

#35 Soooo, Basically Any Price

Image source: schroderrr

#36 This 200 US Dollar Textbook Is Just A Printout Of The Online Version Complete With Useless Hyperlinks And Video Thumbnails

Image source: MemeLurker24

#37 My New Nike Free Running Shoes After My First Run

Image source: yesporr

#38 With My $400$ Vip Ticket You Can’t Even See The Stage

Image source: bobmicbob314

#39 Grrrrr!

Image source: Hache42

#40 Put A $5 In This Vending Machine, Kicks Out Mostly Nickels As Change. It Doesn’t Accept Nickels

Image source: nypaterfamilias

#41 She Doesn’t Eat The Part Of The Fry Her Fingers Touched

Image source: AirborneJizz

#42 Ruining The Best Shot

Image source: envimee

#43 Pawn Shops Who Put Price Stickers Right On The Lens Of A Camera. No Way That’s Coming Off Clean

Image source: JugglerNorbi

#44 What Is This?! A Sink For Ants?!

Image source: chichumolay

#45 First Trillion Dollar Company

Image source: Heaven_Is_Falling

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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annoying photos, annoying pics, annoying things, infuriating photos, infuriating pics, mildly infuriating