People Are Sharing Their Middle-Age Success Stories (40 Stories)
Sometimes, when you’re going through a tough period in life, everything around begins looking pretty bleak and you can’t help but think you’ll never become achieve success. But keep your head up – you don’t have to become a millionaire before reaching 30 to be successful.
Tired of all the “30 Under 30” and “NextGen” lists, TV writer and producer Melissa Hunter recently asked her Twitter followers to share their middle-age success stories. It turns out there are plenty of late bloomers out there whose stories will inspire you to keep on pursuing your dreams – check them out in the gallery below!
More info: Twitter | Instagram | YouTube | ItsMelissaHunter.com
TV writer and producer Melissa Hunter recently asked people to share their middle-age success stories
Image source: shellyhoover
Image source: valallenartist
Image source: artsymaria101
Image source: JLallaMaharajh
Image source: broadbandito
Image source: dandelionmama
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Image source: RoomJunkieAnne
Image source: abigaildisney
Image source: dfibkitty
Image source: nguyen_p_quemai
Image source: KateGrand
Image source: JillHannahA
Image source: greekfromidaho
Image source: rise_alien
Image source: rothschildmd
Image source: oldweirdbritain
Image source: phac3ti0us
Image source: starRo75
Image source: gmachlin
Image source: therealHRnerd
Image source: frankiebwash
Image source: PSTVLYBLCKUK
Image source: tzippymfa
Image source: FlyingXtheWater
Image source: BabbPhoto
Image source: electruthwalter
Image source: AMaltaRingHim
Image source: armp71
Image source: anarcoleptic
Image source: EmmaMayMMA
Image source: SamObiWon
Image source: WildMelissaHart
Image source: HelenGoldwyn
Image source: DaveyLissa
Image source: Rbrbndgrl
Image source: DoubleDoorDoc
Image source: MelanieBlakeUK
Image source: Aircooled78
Image source: CampPalmore
Got wisdom to pour?
Valentine Week Days
After years in a corporate job, I went back to school for an MFA in writing at 58. I’m turning 67 in a few days. In 2019 I started an artist colony for serious working artists in 2019.
I live for this. Kudos for the people living their real lives. I love this and hope to age gracefully and mindfully as they are. https://lifedippedincolors.wordpress.com/2020/01/27/fuck-the-limits-of-blooming-20s-middle-age-and-right-mindset-is-true-living/