Metal Musicians Show Their Soft Sides By Posing With Their Cats
In her “Metal Cats” book, photographer Alexandra Crockett created a surprising yet smile-evoking photo series where cute and fluffy felines pose in the arms of their owners, who just happen to be hardcore metal musicians. The photographs feature musicians, fans and promoters of metal, with stars from bands like Morbid Angel, Napalm Death, Skeletonwitch and Black Goat.
With this project, Crickett seeks more than to simply promote the softer sides of these usually tough-looking metal band members. A portion of the proceeds from the book and a series of benefit shows to be held along the West Coast will be donated to no-kill pet shelters in Seattle, Portland, Oakland and Los Angeles. The book is already available for pre-order for its release on 6th May, 2014.
Source: omnivoracious.com | Amazon | (via: laughingsquid)
Got wisdom to pour?
all metal guys have cats :D