The Types Of Toxic Men Everyone Should Avoid Explained Using Art (10 Pics)
Despite all of our efforts, toxic masculinity is still a problem that is very much rampant among men everywhere. And even though the name might suggest that it’s a problem that only affects men, it greatly impacts women too, as toxic masculinity often goes hand in hand with misogyny. And to show what types of toxic men everyone should avoid, comedy writer Nicole Tersigni recently released a hilarious book titled Men to Avoid in Art and Life.
In a recent interview with Bored Panda, the woman said she was fed up with men explaining her own jokes to her and decided to make a quick joke about it. “I did an image search for ‘woman surrounded by men’ because that’s how that moment feels sometimes, and one of the results was a beautiful painting of a woman holding her bare boob with men crowded around her. I paired it with the caption ‘maybe if I take my tit out, they’ll stop explaining my own joke to me.’ And it eventually turned into a thread with similar classic paintings and modern captions, and people really connected with it,” explained Nicole.
Not long after the post went viral, Nicole was contacted by literary agent Rachel Sussman and asked if she would like to turn it into a book – and she agreed! The book ended up being overwhelmingly successful and its first printing sold out in just 48 hours.
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Comedy writer Nicole Tersigni shows the types of toxic men everyone should avoid using classical art
Image credits: Nicole Tersigni
She has even published a book titled Men to Avoid in Art and Life and it sold out in just 48 hours!
Image credits: Nicole Tersigni
Image credits: Nicole Tersigni
Nicole says that she finds the paintings first and then writes the joke around them. “I think the funniest jokes take details from what’s happening in the painting, so I like to start there and see what I think is happening based on their faces or the scenery,” explained the writer.
Image credits: Nicole Tersigni
Expressions are one of the most important things that Nicole looks for when looking up paintings. “You’d be surprised at how many classic paintings have women directing blank looks at men,” joked the writer.
Image credits: Nicole Tersigni
Nicole says she spent many hours scrolling through art databases and saving all of the paintings that could potentially work in a huge file on her desktop called ‘Paintings’ because she’s “very good at using computers”.
Image credits: Nicole Tersigni
The writer says that she received a lot of positive feedback and even had people sharing their own stories and experiences with her. “It’s nice to be able to laugh together about something that’s normally very frustrating,” said Nicole.
See more of her hilarious works below!
Image credits: Nicole Tersigni
Image credits: Nicole Tersigni
Image credits: Nicole Tersigni
Image credits: Nicole Tersigni
Image credits: Nicole Tersigni
Image credits: Nicole Tersigni
Got wisdom to pour?
#7 is Jesus 😂 I’ve never thought about the paintings this way