Women Ask Men Their Most Unfiltered Questions, And These 25 Answers Are Surprisingly Real

Published 1 month ago

The internet is full of curious minds, and sometimes people ask the kind of questions they’d be too embarrassed to bring up in person. One Reddit thread, in particular, sparked an interesting discussion when someone asked, “Women of Reddit, what NSFW questions do you have for men that you are too embarrassed to ask in person?” The responses? Eye-opening, hilarious, and surprisingly informative.

We’ve rounded up some of the most intriguing, funny, and insightful questions from the thread—along with the answers men provided.

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Image source: smolandtuff, Frank Flores/unsplash

How often are unwanted public boners an actual issue?

HyperWolfe: As a young teenager in school they were annoying, 99 percent of the time you aren’t even turned on, like a light breeze could go past the front of your pants and it was an instant b***r, now as an adult you don’t get them very often and by now you know multiple ways of hiding them. In a weird way I almost miss getting random boners

candyflip93: You learn how to deal with it by aging, so not that often anymore. It used to be really funny, taking the bus and miss your station bcz you’re waiting for your stiffy ti f**k off.

JosephFDawson: There are 3 kinds of elections
some are sexual.
some occur during periods of nervous tension.
and there’s mysterious 3rd kind that no one really understands. It happens when your schlong decides to take matters into its own hands. No reason b***r.


Image source: Muchamatchamuchacha, Baptista Ime James/unsplash

I’m very self conscious of being naked with a guy for the first time, I have a very large scar in one of my breasts from when I had a lump removed like two years ago. Do guys care about that sort of thing? I am trying to make the scar look nicer but it’s hard to make it go away completely and I’m worried that it might turn some guys off, especially considering I really like having my b**bs played with or like sucked on. Sorry if TMI 😭.

NinjasVenom: I don’t. Scars tell someone’s story and how they are there and if you are scared of showing people the scar and you showed me the scar while being naked I’d feel honored that you trusted me that much with your body.

M-F-W: I dated a woman with breast reduction surgery who was really self-conscious about the scars. They weren’t particularly noticeable but could definitely tell when I was uhhh all up in her business, so to speak.
I did appreciate her letting me know that she was self conscious and she appreciated me being gentle in return. By the end of our relationship, I’d kiss the scars as foreplay and stuff (that was over the course of a couple years and was very much consensual, I wouldn’t just jump straight to scar-play lol).
TLDR: You’re good. We’re all self-conscious about something. You can tell your partner you’re self conscious ahead of time and their response will actually tell you plenty. Someone one who isn’t mindful/respectful of that isn’t worth your time, in bed or in romance.


Image source: anon, Crook & Marker /unsplash

If I thought you were hot and I wanted to approach you, what would be the best way to go about it?! I like want to meet more men, but idk how to approach them.

NinjaD**khead: When I was 14, a girl passing by raised her head and said “you are very handsome”. I am 40 now, and I still remember what I was wearing, how she looked like, how her friends looked like… that’s how unusual it is for us.
So yeah, be straight forward, but not too blunt, because we might think it’s a joke.
Come talk to us, that’s all it takes.

Fulminero: We CANNOT, I repeat CANNOT get “hints”.
“Hey, I think you’re attractive, wanna chat?”

DizzyNerd: Unless he’s the guy who thinks he’s gods gift to women, he likely doesn’t know someone is into him. We’re naïve and society has taught us to be somehow. So many guys I know had no idea. He may be secretly hoping but is internally freaking out and doesn’t wanna s***w it up.
Say hi. Get to know him. If it’s worth it after that, say something if he doesn’t make it obvious first.


Image source: Shelverick, Kateryna Hliznitsova/unsplash

Do guys really care if a chick’s lowers are groomed/waxed? Or do you not care?

MacKelvey: I like some grooming. She doesn’t have to be completely bare but trimmed and maintained is always nice.

[deleted]: I prefer if it is, but can’t reasonably demand it. Definitely appreciated though.

Peelfest2016: I keep my business pretty trimmed up. I’d appreciate the same. I don’t need fully shaved, but trimming is very appreciated. When my gf asked me why I even care what length it’s at if it doesn’t get completely smooth anyway, I told her “you know how you make me trim my mustache because if it gets too long the hairs go up your nose when we kiss? That’s why.”

[deleted]: A definite plus and turn on. The hair gets wet, sticky, rubs and pull.


Image source: anon, Pablo Merchán Montes/unsplash

I know it’s the trend to have big lips, but do you think thin lips are attractive. Thoughts on lips with filler vs naturally thin lips.

Raspberries2: I think big lips from injections look deformed.

[deleted]: Natural is ALWAYS best. Nails. Eyelashes. Bewbs. Everything.

NinjaDi**khead: Thin or big lips are both good. I prefer thin lips rather than unnatural big lips (they just move weird, and it’s very noticeable despite what your surgeon told you).


Image source: accountnameisblank, Getty Images/unsplash

Do you have an urge to moan during sexual activity and hold it back due to some societal bs (or some other reason) or do you just not get that urge as much as women? Stereotyping vs legitimate differences
Edit: the Vibe I’m getting from this is there’s no one answer to this and every man is different. Well no duh. That’s a great discovery.
But now I’m wondering how many women do it out of urge vs for the benefit of their partner. Sensing a theme here.

MrDownhillRacer: I don’t get the urge to moan at all. I pretty much have to remind myself to make sounds because I’ve read all that “women like it when you make sounds” stuff. I don’t know how believable I’m being.

Wagemage314: I was silent for many years. Wife said she wanted feedback. Turns out, Primal Growls are what I was suppressing. Deep and guttural. Bear like. She likes.


Image source: anon, We-Vibe Toys/unsplash

If married , do you find it easy to stay faithful? If single, would you give up multiple partners for one woman forever?

Fencius: Married ten years next July. It’s not hard to stay faithful, and if anything it’s gotten easier over time. My life with my wife is too important to s***w around with.

IJourden: Married, and it’s easy to stay faithful.
If someone is struggling with it there could be a lot of reasons:
the relationship is in bad shape/lacks intimacy and validation

a pathological problem, like low self esteem, narcissism, self destructive, compulsive or risk taking behavior.

not valuing the relationship or trying to wreck it

not being in the right kind of relationship dynamic, such as being monogamous when they would prefer polyamory

But yeah… If you’re honest with yourself, honest with your partner, and in a healthy relationship with good communication, being faithful to the dynamics of the relationship is not difficult.


Image source: Sad-Shoe4920, Dwayne joe/unsplash

If the girl makes the first move, does it turns you off or not?

actuallyanicehuman: Having a girl who owns her power is hot. Definitely sexy.

VersedFlame: If a girl made a first move on me I’d probably be stunned for the entirety of that day and only thinking about her.


Image source: birdy_737, Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 /unsplash

Does a girl burping, farting, snorting etc really not bother you? A lot of guys say they don’t but I know some who do.

Omg_a_wee_todd: Nope, I’ve been with my G/F for 2 years now and every morning we cut an air biscuit and fist bump the other person. However… We have a mutual understanding no heads will be forced under the covers… She doesn’t have my Reddit account so I can say this, I cannot wait to propose in March!
Update!: There were a few things that came up (hence the wait), but she said yes! Also, I should clarify it’s most mornings we both fart, at least one of us, but not always both. Hope y’all find the same happiness I have.

TheeFryingDutchman: Nope. It’s a sign that you are comfortable enough around me. So I always love it when a girl just let’s it fly.


Image source: anon, Good Faces/unsplash

How do I tell if a guy is being genuine? Sometimes I feel like men just tell me what I want to hear in order to sleep with me and will fake literally everything including the stuff they like. I need help with figuring out what their intentions are especially if they are not being honest.

[deleted]: My suggestion is to first ask them about what things they like. Not only are you learning about their interests as I hope they are learning yours, but you are also learning how they emote when talking about something they have real feelings about.
Ditto for asking about things they dislike or hate.
I’m an autistic male and gauging genuine-ness is hard for me. And what I learn about one person never seems to translate into a general skill I can apply to others.
I’ve learned to deliberately invoke something I know they will be genuine about first and then compare subsequent interactions to that.

McRibEater: Watch out for guys who say all the right things. The biggest players I know are also the ones who really put it on early. Most guys who really like you are nervous to start off like you are.

RavenousIron: I’m gonna keep it a buck with you. If you are meeting most guys on dating apps, 90% of them are strictly looking to get laid. They will tell you every trick in the book to get this done, and yes that means playing the genuine card. I’d suggest being up front with guys that you meet and telling them that you are looking for something more serious. That is usually a good way to see if they just want a quick f**k or actually want to put in the work.


Image source: anon, We-Vibe Toys/unsplash

Can you actually feel us clenching around the d**k?

BlademasterFlash: And it feels amazing

arothmanmusic: Depends on the girl and her kegels. I once dated a girl who could literally prevent me from pulling out if she wanted to.

jakeb71097: Yes one of my exes and I were in bed for the first time and I got her to climax and it took me by surprise the amount of power she had in that muscle


Image source: ComprehensiveLine105, Alexandra Gorn/unsplash

Do you guys REALLY enjoy going down on us, or do you just deal?

Ilmioaccount18piu: Do you really enjoy having a d**k in your mouth? It depends of course, but if the person giving or*l is enjoying it, the person who receives it will clearly notice.

arothmanmusic: Yes, absolutely. It’s one of my most favorite things in the world.


Image source: mariasYEETS, Getty Images/unsplash

Do y’all get post n*t clarity work after you’ve had s*x with someone you love?

in-a-microbus: Absolutely! It’s just a clarity about different things. Instead of “I’ve made a mistake, I regret this decision” it’s more “don’t forget to put three garbage bins out”.

SatinWalrus: It comes and it goes, but it never stays long enough.


Image source: snow_sparklez, Gautier fenestraz/unsplash

Do you prefer boxers or briefs?

Foxsayy: The only true answers.
Briefs are way too tight and uncomfortable. Boxers are way too lose and they feel like wearing a pair of unruly shorts under your pants.
Boxer briefs are the goldilocks of underwear.

Nomad493YT: Briefs. Feels snug and comfy.


Image source: anon, We-Vibe Toys/unsplash

Is the s*x different with a girl you don’t want to see again and a girl you do? Is the intimacy different, the lead up etc?

RandeKnight: Just making out with someone I love is better than monkey s*x with a stranger.

MacKelvey: Yes. I’m much more bold with a woman I know I’ll never see again.


I’m a very pale woman but my b*tt and v*lva area are pretty dark.
Even the line for my b**tcrack is dark.
Is this gross to you guys? LOL.

maybehun: This is very very normal by the way. It’s from hormones. Most people have darker genitalia.

ProsperoFinch: As long as the skin is clean, and there are no abnormal smells, we don’t care. If you’re doing stuff with us, we are happy to be there. We are so happy to be there with you, to see you naked, to feel your skin against ours, to experience pleasure with you.
Anyone who is grossed out by your unique traits isn’t someone you want to be with anyway, so if they ditch you or dump you over it, then they’ve filtered themselves out for you. Those kinds of people are f**kheads who don’t deserve to get f**ked in the fun way.

Image source: anon


Image source: mammabadamma, Dan Russo/unsplash

Where do you put your b*lls when you ride a bike?

AdamBomb_RB: I ride a bike daily at school and I’ve never once thought about that, lol.
But for a more detailed answer, they don’t really “get in the way” ’cause our, uh, genitals are, like, more forward/higher up than womens’, so when we sit down our b*lls are, like, between our legs, and on a bike, or any seat for that matter, the actual part making contact with the seat is just your a**.

candyflip93: Not kidding, I don’t even know how I manage that, like when I really want to find out and do it manually, it doesn’t work and hurts a lot. The only way is to just do it and leave the rest to your b*lls memory.


Image source: anon, Kenny Eliason /unsplash

How do you feel about s*x during period?

McRibEater: Turn off the lights, throw down a towel and get to work. One of the reason I enjoy doing it during this time is Women seem super turned on during their period.

JBounce369: I’m definitely an outlier here but I could never. Any blood, and especially not my own, makes me nauseous.


Image source: CramLeFevour, Getty Images/unsplash

If you can’t finish, is it our fault?

manateewallpaper: only if you start asking mood killer questions like that right in the middle of the act.

bloodguzzlingbunny: Nope, not ever. I have been on antidepressants before that made it very difficult to orgasm. Honestly, when I am really into the person, I am just happy to be there. Not reaching the top of the hill isn’t nearly as important as being with who I am traveling with.


Are you looking at my b***hole when you do it from behind?

dnaoriginal: If lights are on, yes, if lights are off, yes.

NotBearhound: Focusing on the whole, not the hole.

Idaho_In_Uranus: I can see it, but I’m not necessarily looking at it. I’m more focused on the jiggle of the buns and my stroke point. The b***hole is just kinda in the periphery.

Image source: mc4as


Image source: theeblackdahlia, Brock Wegner/unsplash

How do we know if you like us, romantically?

RogueAlt07: We like to hang around you, actively make the choice to pursue your company, smile and look at you in groups and generally get along very well and usually they’re into you.

[deleted]: You want to know the actual secret? They will mirror you. If you smile at them they will do the same back to you. Men are very sensitive and are really in tune with the one they like, so they will be very reactive to them. Even when they try to hide it. So do let them know because they are thick as bricks and will spite their own feelings.


Image source: anon, Natalia Blauth/unsplash

Do your b*lls really move depending on the weather, if so, does it feel weird?

ChunksMcGoo: It’s temperature dependent and sometimes it can feel weird like if you go from warm house to cold outside or jump into a cold pool in the summer.

The_WandererHFY: Passive system, it just does its thing. The boys gotta stay climate controlled.
The reason for that is that sp*rm need a certain temp range, and core body temp is too high. Gotta keep them sh**s air-cooled, but if it’s cold then they stay closer to the core body so they don’t f**kin freeze.


For my first time, this guy after we had done the deed; 1.Didn’t clean up his mess 2.Started pointing out my flaws “Your chest has a lot of acne, your veins are oddly blue, your knees look weird”. Is this normal? I personally was offended and that made my first time horrible.

ProsperoFinch: Dude was a massive a**hole, and I’m sorry your first time was a negative experience. You deserve better. Hopefully your future experiences will be much more loving and uplifting.

ChunksMcGoo: Sounds like they’re either really insecure about themselves and that’s them coping with it orrr they’re an a**hole.

Image source: Savvy_05


I have a very ethnic background and while that means people may find me especially unique/attractive it does mean that I’m “hairy” nothing too crazy
but I grow a few hairs around my nipples- overall I have a nice chest but there is a bit of scarring from plucking/hair removal (I have ocd ha) …is that a turn off? I’m working on healing and keeping things moisturized 😭.

packersfan823: If your partner finds a couple small scars or a couple hairs revolting, the problem isn’t with you, the problem is with your partner. I’m just happy to see b**bs.

Image source: Ok_Pear6888


Image source: justanotherklutz, Getty Images/unsplash

How do you manage to move it without using your hands? I’ve seen a couple of guys do it and was absolutely speechless/impressed. They just said, “I don’t know how, I just can”. I want to know HOW.

vendetta0311: Same muscle that stops the pee stream, women have it too.

RogueAlt07: There’s the muscle I think in the glutes that pulls it, it’s primary purpose is to pull the glutes up but a side movement is the phallus moving. Don’t quote me, I’m not a medical professional so I may be wrong but that’s my best guest for how we do it.

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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answers, awkward questions, bold questions, men, questions, relationships, secrets, women